Wednesday, November 23, 2011

25 weeks...Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Happy Wednesday everyone! I hope most of you had today off and were able to relax and spend time with your family. I got to see my best friend Lauren and her adorable son Connor today. We had a good time catching up and seeing Connor makes me so excited for Morgan to be here. Lauren is such a good mommy! I also got to catch up with my other best friend, Jenn, today. She just recently got back from Africa and is now working on interviewing for grad schools. I am so proud of her! I will take this opportunity, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, to express how truly thankful I am for my wonderful friends. They are always there for me and I don't know what I would do without them.

I was also able to go Christmas shopping done today. I got some things checked off my list, so I am feeling very accomplished. There is still a lot to be done though, and the thought of it all is very overwhelming. I may need to ask for Brad's help this year. He usually only shops for one person, me, while I am responsible for our families. Fighting crowds and dealing with traffic stresses me out, so I may just have to send him out with a detailed shopping list this year. :)

25 weeks pregnant is a major difference from just a few weeks ago. My belly grown a lot, and more people are noticing that I am pregnant, which I LOVE. I have not had the bad leg cramps, but sleeping is becoming more difficult. I keep waking up around 3 in the morning and can't go back to sleep. I suppose my body is preparing me for those nighttime feedings.

Ok, enough ramblings for today. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


How far along? 25 weeks

Total weight gain? 16 pounds. I am up one pound from last week :/

How big is the baby? 13 or so inches and 1.5 pounds

Maternity clothes? yes!

Stretch marks? not yet!

Sleep? getting worse

Best moment of the week? Seeing Lauren and Connor today. LOVE THEM

Movement? as we speak :)

Cravings? the milk craving is gone. Now it's back to nothing

Gender? Princess

Labor signs? NO

Belly button in or out? In but looking different each week

What am I looking forward to? BABY SHOWERS and finishing the nursery

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