Wednesday, November 9, 2011

23 weeks!

VERY soft pink. Hard to tell the walls are even painted in these.

Where to start? This week has been a busy and productive one. On Saturday, me, my mom, and Brad's aunt, Lori, finally tackled the baby registry at Babies R Us. It was SO overwhelming. It is amazing to me how one little person can require so much stuff. Lori was an awesome guide though, and I couldn't have done it without her. I am glad I opted for Brad not to join because I think the whole process would have been way too much for him. He trusts my judgement, and knows I will probably get my way even if he does have an opinion on something, ha ha. Sunday, Brad and my Dad painted the nursery. I went with a VERY soft pink. It is exactly what I wanted and it goes perfectly with the bedding. I can't wait to get the crib up and start getting the room in order. Also on Sunday, my mom, Nanny, and I went and did my Target registry. There was not much to add there. Just a few things that I didn't see or didn't think to add to my Babies R Us registry. We are so fortunate that Lori has donated an entire baby girl wardrobe to us. I went through all of the clothes she gave us on Sunday night and I can't wait to start dressing Morgan up! Now all I need to worry about is getting the items off the registry so that we have everything that she will need.

On the pregnancy front, I am DEFINITELY starting to feel the strain of being pregnant. It is difficult for me to change positions and I am getting tired so quickly now. I better toughen up though, because I still have 17 weeks to go and I plan on working up until the day I go into labor. I really have not had many other symptoms, so I can't complain. It seems that Momma and Morgan are healthy and normal.

I have included some more nursery pics, but please don't judge yet. We still have a lot of organizing and setting up to do! I will try to add more as we make progress.


How far along? 23 weeks

Total weight gain? +12 lbs. Bleh, weighed at Mom's yesterday. That means I averaged a pound a week since my last appointment, which I guess is normal. It's just weird seeing these huge numbers on the scale!

How big is the baby? About 12 inches and over a pound!!! Crazy...

Maternity clothes? Yes!

Stretch marks? Nope.

Sleep? Oh yes. I love every minute.

Best moment of the week? Seeing Morgan's nursery coming together!

Movement? All the time. She is a busy lady. :)

Cravings? MILK!

Gender? Girl :)

Labor signs? NO. I got a childbirth book from the library today to start educating myself on the process. I still need to sign up for classes at the hospital.

Belly button in or out? In

What am I looking forward to? Organizing the nursery! Nesting instincts are in full gear.


  1. haha You haven't seen "huge" numbers yet! I weighed more than Adam the day I had Connor.. You look awesome momma! I can't wait to see the nursery all finished! LOve you!

  2. Childbirthing classes SHOULD provide some good exercises and tips that will keep you "in shape" in prep for labor. It also makes moving around with a giant bowling ball attached to you much easier. Let me know if you want any tips! ;)
