Wednesday, November 2, 2011

22 weeks!

Oops! I was a day late again this week. Last night I was exhausted and had zero motivation. I was so tired I almost felt sick. Then in the middle of the night I woke up with the most painful Charley Horse in my leg. I literally screamed and woke Brad up. Looks like labor should be fun... ha ha.

This week has been okay. Brad got back from his cruise on Saturday afternoon and had lots of pictures and stories to share. He and his family had a great time and the weather was awesome for their entire trip. I really wish I could have been there with them! Morgan started kicking much harder while he was gone so I was hoping when he got back he would be able to feel her. Well, 2 nights ago he finally felt it! It was so amazing for him to experience it too. He thought it was really cool, but she hasn't cooperated since. It's almost as if she knows he is there and stops kicking! We will keep trying though.

The crib bedding just came in today. I was so happy to see it sitting on my front porch. I am very happy with it. It looks even better in person than it does online. Now all I need to do is pick a paint color so we can get going on the nursery. I will try to include pictures next week of any nursery progress. Yay!

Ok here are the stats...

How far along? 22 weeks

Total weight gain? Not sure, +9 total was my last weigh in but that was 2 weeks ago.

How big is the baby? 11 inches and almost a pound!

Maternity clothes? Yes! Pants with panels are the best. Haha I don't want to ever have to zip or button pants again.

Stretch marks? Nope. Still lathering the belly daily though.

Sleep? YES! I have been super tired lately. I think Morgan must be burning up my energy.

Best moment of the week? Brad feeling our sweet girl kick. I don't think that will ever get old.

Movement? Yes! And lots of it.

Cravings? None.

Gender? GIRL GIRL GIRL. So excited about all the pink bows and pretty outfits.

Labor signs? Heck no. But I thought to myself last night that if labor feels like a uterine Charley Horse I am in deep trouble. That thing had me in tears. I have had my fair share of stomach aches though (aka, gall bladder not working and appendix rupturing) so hopefully I am more prepared than I think.

Belly button in or out? In and stretching.

What am I looking forward to? Decorating the nursery. I can't wait to see everything all together.

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