Wednesday, November 30, 2011

26 weeks

Happy Hump Day! Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and was able to get some rest. I sure did! It was so nice to have a few days off and spend time with family. I will admit that it was REALLY hard going back to work on Monday. The long weekend spoiled me and I was not ready to go back just yet. Needless to say, I am counting down the days until Christmas break. 12 more work days to go!

This week I have definitely noticed a change in my mood. Before I got pregnant, I was a very sensitive person, and always took things to heart. Now that I am pregnant, zit-faced, can't bend over, and look completely different than I did just a few months ago, I am even more sensitive. It doesn't help that people find it completely acceptable to comment on my appearance on a daily basis. I get a range of comments everyday, from "Oh, you look so small for being 6 months pregnant!" to "Wow, you are really popping out now!" I know people are trying to be nice, and I can not blame them for their curiosity in the preggo. It is just hard to process all of these comments when my hormones are out of wack and my self-esteem is already in the toilet. At the end of the day I remind myself that being pregnant is a blessing, and is not guarenteed to anyone. But if you were wondering what pregnant woman are really thinking when you comment on their growing tummy, now you know. :)

This weekend is a very exciting one. My first baby shower is on Sunday! My mom is throwing me my family shower, with the help of my brother's girlfriend, Calla. They have put so much effort into planning it, and I can't wait for everything to come together. I will be sure to post pictures next week. Mom said about 40 people have said they are coming, so it should be a wonderful turn out. I am such a lucky girl, and so is Morgan! We are very loved.


How far along? 26 weeks

Total weight gain? haven't weighed this week, but I am sure it's up.

How big is the baby? 14 inches and very close to 2 lbs!

Maternity clothes? yes.

Stretch marks? Nope, but I am checking very closely now. My skin is getting tight!

Sleep? Terrible...waaaaaah. I need to stop my whining though because it won't get any better.

Best moment of the week? Spending time with my family on Thanksgiving. Also, Brad and I worked on the nursery and office on Sunday night and both rooms look SO great now. I was almost in tears when I saw the office after Brad finished it. It was so clean! haha. And of course I tear up everytime I go in the nursery. Can't wait for my baby girl to be in there snuggled up in her crib.

Movement? yep!

Cravings? anything, everything. bleh.

Gender? Sweet baby girl.

Labor signs? NO

What am I looking forward to? Baby shower this weekend!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

25 weeks...Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Happy Wednesday everyone! I hope most of you had today off and were able to relax and spend time with your family. I got to see my best friend Lauren and her adorable son Connor today. We had a good time catching up and seeing Connor makes me so excited for Morgan to be here. Lauren is such a good mommy! I also got to catch up with my other best friend, Jenn, today. She just recently got back from Africa and is now working on interviewing for grad schools. I am so proud of her! I will take this opportunity, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, to express how truly thankful I am for my wonderful friends. They are always there for me and I don't know what I would do without them.

I was also able to go Christmas shopping done today. I got some things checked off my list, so I am feeling very accomplished. There is still a lot to be done though, and the thought of it all is very overwhelming. I may need to ask for Brad's help this year. He usually only shops for one person, me, while I am responsible for our families. Fighting crowds and dealing with traffic stresses me out, so I may just have to send him out with a detailed shopping list this year. :)

25 weeks pregnant is a major difference from just a few weeks ago. My belly grown a lot, and more people are noticing that I am pregnant, which I LOVE. I have not had the bad leg cramps, but sleeping is becoming more difficult. I keep waking up around 3 in the morning and can't go back to sleep. I suppose my body is preparing me for those nighttime feedings.

Ok, enough ramblings for today. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


How far along? 25 weeks

Total weight gain? 16 pounds. I am up one pound from last week :/

How big is the baby? 13 or so inches and 1.5 pounds

Maternity clothes? yes!

Stretch marks? not yet!

Sleep? getting worse

Best moment of the week? Seeing Lauren and Connor today. LOVE THEM

Movement? as we speak :)

Cravings? the milk craving is gone. Now it's back to nothing

Gender? Princess

Labor signs? NO

Belly button in or out? In but looking different each week

What am I looking forward to? BABY SHOWERS and finishing the nursery

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

24 weeks, 6 months, and Dr. appointment update :)

Hello all! I decided to post today because I wanted to wait until I went to the doctor. I am officially in the last month of my second trimester. At my next appointment I will be in my FINAL trimester. Seeing as this trimester has flown by, I am sure the last one will go equally fast.

My appointment went really well today. My blood pressure and weight gain are good, and Morgan is measuring right on schedule. Mom came with me today for support since Brad had to work. She was so happy to hear Morgan's little heart beating away. I asked my doctor about the EXCRUCIATING leg cramps I have been waking up to. I had another one on Sunday morning that almost brought me to tears. I screamed I was in so much pain and poor Waylon and Brad were scared half to death. Fortunately, my leg cramps are a normal "phenomenon" of pregnancy and nothing to worry about (NOT a blood clot, WHEW!). She suggested I drink more water and stretch some before bed to prevent them. I will give anything a try.

This week I have definitely been feeling more pregnant. At night I get very uncomfortable and I have not been sleeping as well as I used to. I can only imagine how uncomfortable I will be in February. Brad is very supportive though, and helps me as much as he can. We also hired someone to come and clean once a month to help me out. It is not good for me to breath in the fumes from the chemicals anyways. The house was cleaned today and I swear it is like Christmas morning when I come home to a clean house. Don't worry, we do clean more than once a month, ha ha. She mainly does the bathrooms and the back breaking stuff I should not be doing. You may ask yourself, "Hm, why doesn't Brad just do it rather than paying a cleaning lady?" Well, that is a very good question, and the answer is, BRAD DOES NOT CLEAN. Oh well, I don't cut grass or change the oil, so I will try not to judge.


How far along? 24 weeks/6 months!

Total weight gain? 15 lbs! Yowzas. I know my Mom's scale is different from the doctor's scale, and I weighed at a different time of day, fully dressed this time, but good Lord. Time to slooooooow down. I still need to get through the holidays!

How big is the baby? Over a foot long and 1.25 lbs. (at least I can blame 1.25 of my 15 to Morgan, hehe)

Maternity clothes? Yepp. They are so comfy.

Stretch marks? Not yet. But this weight gain better slow down or I will start to look like a road map.

Sleep? Not great. Leg cramps and constantly wanting to change positions is making it harder.

Best moment of the week? SEEING my stomach move. I have been feeling the kicks for a while now but this week was the first time I could see my stomach move. So cool.

Movement? Yep!

Cravings? still milk.. Weird.

Gender? Princess

Labor signs? NO

Belly button in or out? In and stretching. I MAY be an outy by the end of this but still kind of early to tell.

What am I looking forward to? Getting past my next appointment. I have to get the gestational diabetes testing done AND get my RH negative shot. Fun fun. But more importantly, after the next appointment I will get to go every 2 weeks!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

23 weeks!

VERY soft pink. Hard to tell the walls are even painted in these.

Where to start? This week has been a busy and productive one. On Saturday, me, my mom, and Brad's aunt, Lori, finally tackled the baby registry at Babies R Us. It was SO overwhelming. It is amazing to me how one little person can require so much stuff. Lori was an awesome guide though, and I couldn't have done it without her. I am glad I opted for Brad not to join because I think the whole process would have been way too much for him. He trusts my judgement, and knows I will probably get my way even if he does have an opinion on something, ha ha. Sunday, Brad and my Dad painted the nursery. I went with a VERY soft pink. It is exactly what I wanted and it goes perfectly with the bedding. I can't wait to get the crib up and start getting the room in order. Also on Sunday, my mom, Nanny, and I went and did my Target registry. There was not much to add there. Just a few things that I didn't see or didn't think to add to my Babies R Us registry. We are so fortunate that Lori has donated an entire baby girl wardrobe to us. I went through all of the clothes she gave us on Sunday night and I can't wait to start dressing Morgan up! Now all I need to worry about is getting the items off the registry so that we have everything that she will need.

On the pregnancy front, I am DEFINITELY starting to feel the strain of being pregnant. It is difficult for me to change positions and I am getting tired so quickly now. I better toughen up though, because I still have 17 weeks to go and I plan on working up until the day I go into labor. I really have not had many other symptoms, so I can't complain. It seems that Momma and Morgan are healthy and normal.

I have included some more nursery pics, but please don't judge yet. We still have a lot of organizing and setting up to do! I will try to add more as we make progress.


How far along? 23 weeks

Total weight gain? +12 lbs. Bleh, weighed at Mom's yesterday. That means I averaged a pound a week since my last appointment, which I guess is normal. It's just weird seeing these huge numbers on the scale!

How big is the baby? About 12 inches and over a pound!!! Crazy...

Maternity clothes? Yes!

Stretch marks? Nope.

Sleep? Oh yes. I love every minute.

Best moment of the week? Seeing Morgan's nursery coming together!

Movement? All the time. She is a busy lady. :)

Cravings? MILK!

Gender? Girl :)

Labor signs? NO. I got a childbirth book from the library today to start educating myself on the process. I still need to sign up for classes at the hospital.

Belly button in or out? In

What am I looking forward to? Organizing the nursery! Nesting instincts are in full gear.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

22 weeks!

Oops! I was a day late again this week. Last night I was exhausted and had zero motivation. I was so tired I almost felt sick. Then in the middle of the night I woke up with the most painful Charley Horse in my leg. I literally screamed and woke Brad up. Looks like labor should be fun... ha ha.

This week has been okay. Brad got back from his cruise on Saturday afternoon and had lots of pictures and stories to share. He and his family had a great time and the weather was awesome for their entire trip. I really wish I could have been there with them! Morgan started kicking much harder while he was gone so I was hoping when he got back he would be able to feel her. Well, 2 nights ago he finally felt it! It was so amazing for him to experience it too. He thought it was really cool, but she hasn't cooperated since. It's almost as if she knows he is there and stops kicking! We will keep trying though.

The crib bedding just came in today. I was so happy to see it sitting on my front porch. I am very happy with it. It looks even better in person than it does online. Now all I need to do is pick a paint color so we can get going on the nursery. I will try to include pictures next week of any nursery progress. Yay!

Ok here are the stats...

How far along? 22 weeks

Total weight gain? Not sure, +9 total was my last weigh in but that was 2 weeks ago.

How big is the baby? 11 inches and almost a pound!

Maternity clothes? Yes! Pants with panels are the best. Haha I don't want to ever have to zip or button pants again.

Stretch marks? Nope. Still lathering the belly daily though.

Sleep? YES! I have been super tired lately. I think Morgan must be burning up my energy.

Best moment of the week? Brad feeling our sweet girl kick. I don't think that will ever get old.

Movement? Yes! And lots of it.

Cravings? None.

Gender? GIRL GIRL GIRL. So excited about all the pink bows and pretty outfits.

Labor signs? Heck no. But I thought to myself last night that if labor feels like a uterine Charley Horse I am in deep trouble. That thing had me in tears. I have had my fair share of stomach aches though (aka, gall bladder not working and appendix rupturing) so hopefully I am more prepared than I think.

Belly button in or out? In and stretching.

What am I looking forward to? Decorating the nursery. I can't wait to see everything all together.