I would be a day late posting on the week I am off from work. Whoops! It has been WONDERFUL being off these past 2 weeks, but I am actually not dreading going back to work on Monday. I know the sooner I am back at work, the sooner Morgan will be here. So exciting! One of my lifelong friends, Sara, had her baby this week. Sara was exactly 10 weeks ahead of me in her pregnancy so it is crazy to now say that I will have my little girl here in just 10 short weeks. I still feel like there are a ton of things to do. Brad seems to think that the nursery is pretty much finished, but to me it isn't even close. I am very ready for hunting season to be over so that he will be home on the weekends to help me get things in order. I decided to put Morgan's bouncer together today, and to my surprise, I was very successful! Now all we need to do is put her swing and travel system together and we will be good to go for her first couple of weeks at home. We have not yet gotten her Pack N Play, but I am holding off on that since it isn't something she will need right away. We do need to get a glider for her nursery though. It will be so much easier at feeding times to have a glider than to sit in a chair or on the sofa.
This week I had my 30 week appointment with my new doctor. Again, I was very impressed with him. He took a lot of time with me and talked to me at length about some of the symptoms I have been having. More recently I have been feeling short of breath, and he explained to me that this is common for many pregnant women, but if it gets worse to let him know. He also listened to my heart and said everything sounded fine. My blood pressure is still good, but I have noticed it is creeping up at every appointment. I did a little research online and found that your blood pressure is typically lower in the first 2 trimesters than it is in the third. I am going to start watching my sodium intake just to be safe. The doctor also talked to me about Morgan being breech. He explained that at 34 weeks they would check to see where she is because she can still flip a lot between now and then. Many babies will flip up until delivery. I have decided that I will not have her turned by a doctor, because there are risks involved and it may not even work. If I have to have a C-Section, oh well. As long as she gets here safe and is healthy, I will be so grateful.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with their families. I certainly did. Brad and I feel so blessed to have our health, a house, our wittle Waylon, and sweet Morgan on the way. Happy New Year!
How far along? 30 weeks (only 7 weeks away from being full-term. WAHOO)
Total weight gain? +21. Up another 2 lbs from my last appointment. But hey, who DIDN'T gain 2 lbs over Christmas? ha ha.
How big is the baby? almost 16 inches and almost 3 lbs!
Maternity clothes? Yep. Still wearing non-maternity "lounge wear"
Stretch marks? None! So far so good. Please God let me have inherited my mom's stretchy skin! She had NO stretch marks and my brother was over 8 lbs when he was born.
Sleep? Pretty good!
Best moment of the week? Spending time with Brad and my family at Christmas. We can't wait for next year!
Movement? Oh yes. She got me pretty good in the ribs today. I had to have a little talk with her about that.
Cravings? Sweets. I feel like I am Buddy the Elf.
Gender? GIRL :)
Labor signs? No no no
Belly button in or out? In still, but looking weird.
What am I looking forward to? Finishing all of the little projects and shopping that I have left to do for Morgan.