We can officially count DOWN to my due date now. Only 19 weeks left to go. I can hardly believe it!
Obviously we had a very exciting appointment this week. Last Wednesday we found out that our sweet baby is a GIRL. Morgan Reese Hooper is doing very well. She was measuring right on schedule and the ultrasound tech said everything looked great. We feel so blessed.
Brad is away on a cruise this week with his family. I wish I could have gone, and I miss him SOOOOO much. We have only talked for a few minutes since he left last Thursday. He comes home Saturday afternoon, and I can't wait to see him. He deserves the vacation though. He works very hard and usually does not have much free time just to have fun.
I'm a tad irritated this evening so I am going to keep the post short this week (Just so you know, if there are 6 leftover cupcakes, and the preggo has not had any, I suggest you not eat all 6 of them. How rude). Here are the stats...
How far along? 21 weeks
Total weight gain? +9 lbs per the doctor's scale.
How big is the baby? About 11 inches crown to heel and 3/4 of a pound!
Maternity clothes? For the most part. Definitely pants but still getting away with some non-maternity tops.
Stretch marks? Not yet!
Sleep? Yes. Hope I can keep it up!
Best moment of the week? Seeing my beautiful Morgan on the ultrasound. I cried many tears of joy.
Movement? TONS! I finally felt her from the outside with my hand. I can't wait for Brad to get home so he can feel her.
Cravings? None this week. Appetite is slowly going back to normal. I'm not as ravenous as I was last week.
Gender? GIRL!!! (I know, I know, I was wrong and YOU were right)
Labor signs? No sir
Belly button in or out? Way in
What am I looking forward to? Giving my amazing husband a huge hug when he gets home Saturday.
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