Yay for baby showers! I have always LOVED going to baby showers, but this week, it was my turn. Morgan and I are incredibly lucky to have so many family and friends who love us. We received a ton of wonderful gifts, and I am starting to feel more and more at ease about preparing for her arrival. A word of warning for future brides/mommies out there: Target does a very poor job with registries. Don't get me wrong, the products they carry are awesome, and it is a great place to shop for baby and home; however, I unfortunately received a lot of duplicate gifts because the computer did not remove the items from my registry when they were purchased (despite the fact that my wonderful guests did exactly what they were supposed to do and present the cashier with my printed registry so they could scan it). This of course made me very upset. My family and friends who worked so hard to purchase items for me off of my registry were no doubt disappointed to see that I was receiving the same gift from other people. But let me just say THANK YOU to them for putting so much time and effort into shopping for me and Morgan. And on the bright side, the duplicates were returned and put towards the travel system that I have had my eye on. Now we can officially bring Morgan home from the hospital! With all of this being said, I am deleting my Target registry for my upcoming friend shower, and sticking to Babies R Us. They seem to have the registry thing down to a science!
Other big news this week (well, big to me) is that complete strangers are beginning to inquire about my pregnancy! YAY! This is so exciting to me because now I know that I look pregnant enough for someone to ask me about it. Not only am I looking more pregnant, I am also FEELING more pregnant. Her kicks and jabs are getting stronger, and are sometimes painful. This morning, she was simultaneously punching me in the ribs and kicking my on my hips. She must like to stretch in the morning. Other than feeling tired, heavy, and uncomfortable, we have been doing well. I stayed home on Monday because I was fighting a terrible cold. To my amazement (although I shouldn't be surprised), staying home, resting, and drinking lots of fluids really is the best way to treat a cold. I felt 100 times better by Tuesday and was back at work. I hate using sick days, but it was worth it to get rid of the cold so I could get back to work and do my job well. Not to mention, I didn't spread any germs to my coworkers. So advice to ALL of my blog readers, if you are sick, stay home and rest. It's totally worth it.
How far along? 27 weeks. This means next week I will begin my THIRD trimester. WOOHOO!
Total weight gain? Still haven't weighed. I will know next week at my appointment.
How big is the baby? 14.5 inches and 2 lbs!!!
Maternity clothes? Yes!
Maternity clothes? Yes!
Stretch marks? Nope. Just bought some Belly Butter though because I ran out of my other stuff. Hope this works!
Sleep? Some nights not so great, other nights just fine. Has more to do with the dog and Brad than Morgan, ha ha. I actually dreamt that Brad and I went mattress shopping to get a King size bed. Ahh, wouldn't that be nice?
Best moment of the week? My mom gave me a lot of my old dresses and outfits from when I was a baby as part of my shower gift. I had asked her months ago if she had saved that stuff and she said she didn't think she had (lies!). I knew it was not like her to not save stuff like that, but I was still surprised to open that box. I have already picked out the outfit we will bring Morgan home in. So cute!!! It was also nice to see so many family and friends this weekend at my shower. It means the world to me that they came to celebrate sweet little Morgan!
Movement? Yes! And still loving it (even the painful ones).
Cravings? Nothing this week. Dairy products are still a big staple in my diet. Watch Morgan be lactose intolerant.
Gender? Princess
Labor signs? NO NO NO
What am I looking forward to? Seeing my good friend Abby this weekend! Also, getting my next appointment over with. Glucose test and Rhogram shot. Fun Fun!
Looks like so much fun and you are such a beautiful mommy to be!!! I had the same problem with my target registry. Kind of wish i stuck with solely BRU