It seems surreal that I am already posting about being in my third trimester. I was convinced that the second trimester would drag on, considering it really is the longest (it goes from 12 weeks to 28 weeks), but it has gone by quickly. I hope that the third trimester is the same way, because I am SO excited for our little girl to be here. I will be a Mommy in a matter of a few months.
This weekend my roommate and good friend from college, Abby, came to visit me. We lived together for two years and were pretty inseperable during that time. We had a blast catching up on stuff. She is a newlywed and lives in Northern Va, so needless to say, we don't get to see each other often. She gave me some cooking lessons on Saturday, and the chili and cookies we made turned out great! I can't wait for her to come back down to visit once Morgan gets here.
I had the DREADED glucose test today, and to be honest, it went much smoother than I had expected. I did crash this afternoon though, so I am glad I took the day off of work. My appointment was scheduled for 9am this morning, and several friends recommended that I fast before the appointment so that I would pass the test. I decided to eat a light breakfast (toast and milk), so that I wouldn't risk passing out. If I fail this one, I will have to fast for the 3 hour test. Hopefully my results come back on Friday. I also had my Rhogram shot today, because my blood type is negative. Morgan's is most likely positive (85% of the population has a positive blood type), so to prevent any issues with future pregnancies, I have to receive an injection at 28 weeks and then again after she is born. No biggy, but the shot REALLY hurt.
One major concern of mine that has been weighing on me my entire pregnancy is whether or not my doctor is right for me. I switched when I found out I was pregnant so that I could be at an office closer to home. I was hopeful that the one I picked would work out, but each appointment I find myself leaving very let down and confused. Being that this is my first pregnancy, I usually have a list of questions and concerns for my doctor. I avoid searching things online because the internet can be a scary place for a pregnant woman. At my appointments, I feel incredibly rushed, I am never asked to list any concerns, and I ultimately feel like a burden when I do ask my questions. My concerns are always dismissed as "normal" signs/symptoms of pregnancy as well. Today was the final straw. My doctor had obviously not even looked at my file before walking into my room, and assumed I was only 24 weeks along. I had to remind her that I was in fact 28 weeks. After rushing through the normal checks, she left the room, but said she would be right back. She never returned, so I had to send the nurse to get her so I could ask my questions. She came back, stood in the doorway with arms crossed, and glared at me as if I was a bother. I realize that she sees pregnant women all day long, and that my regularly scheduled appointment is no big deal to her, but it is a huge deal to me. I took the entire day off of work for this appointment, and my mom also took off a half day to take me. These appointments are milestones in my pregnancy, and an opportunity to for me to be sure my little one is doing okay. I ended up scheduling an appointment with her for 30 weeks (I go every 2 weeks now, YAYAYAYA), but as soon as I got home I called and switched to another doctor who came highly recommended. He is older, he is a he and not a she, and he is known for his ability to spend time with his patients. I hope he works out, because I would really like to get to know him, and better yet, for him to know me, before D-Day arrives. If I make it to 40 weeks, I have 7 more scheduled appointments, which means I will have as many appointments with the new doc as I did with my old one. Sounds good to me!
Sorry to ramble on this week. Here are the stats!
How far along? 28 weeks (not 24, ha ha)
Total weight gain? +17. I only gained about a half of a pound this month. I am guessing that is okay, but being that my doctor never looked at my file, I doubt she knew my weight.
How big is the baby? about 15 inches and 2.25 pounds!
Maternity clothes? Yep!
Stretch marks? Not yet, but I am lathering up twice a day now that she is growing so fast.
Sleep? It's hit or miss, some nights are great, others are not.
Best moment of the week? Spending time with my friend Abby and hearing little Morgan's heart beating at my appointment today. Always makes me smile.
Movement? Yes! She seems to be all over the place. Sometimes she will be up in my ribs, other times she is down by my hip bones.
Cravings? No real cravings this week.
Gender? GIRL :)
Labor signs? Nope
Belly button in or out (for some reason I have missed this question the last two weeks)? In, but getting flatter.
What am I looking forward to? My next appointment with my new doctor! :)
shame on your doctor for not treating you with enough respect to realize that this is a NEW and EXCITING TIME! If she's going to be an OBGYB she needs to have as much excitement for her patients as they do for themselves. I hope your new doctor works out. There is SO MUCH to be said for having someone that makes you feel comfortable when you are facing so many new thoughts and feelings!
ReplyDeleteOH, and you look fantastic as always ;)
Seeing you was the best moment of my week too! I can't wait until Morgan arrives! And good for you on changing doctors; you need to feel comfortable with your doctor and they should make you a priority no matter how many pregnant women they see. Love you and can't wait to see you again in a month!! Woo hoo!