How is it Tuesday again already!? I guess it sneaks up on me because my weekends seem to fly by these days. This past weekend was awesome. I got to hang out with the beautiful bride-to-be, Amy Rowe, for some bachelorette fun on Friday night. It is hard to believe that she is getting married in less than 2 weeks! I am SO happy for her and I can't wait for the big day. Then on Saturday, Mom and I made the trip up to Northern VA for Abby's wedding. It turned out to be a gorgeous day, and she was a stunning bride. I was so glad I got to see so many of my friends this weekend, especially since many haven't seen me since my big announcement. The general consensus is that I look "full," not pregnant, and that my tatas look grande. I suppose I will take that as a compliment :) I guess it really depends on what I am wearing. Dresses tend to cover the bump, which is what I wore this weekend. However, the dress I am wearing in this week's picture seems to emphasize the bump a bit more. Regardless, in a couple months there will be NO denying that there is a bun in the oven, and I can't wait!
Symptoms seem to change weekly. I have noticed this week that I am a little more nauseaus than I have been. Brushing my teeth is REALLY difficult. I have to force myself not to gag. SO WEIRD. Another symptom that has been popping up is a little disease Brad likes to call CRS (Can't Remember Shit). I forget the little things and I feel so stupid at times. I guess that is why people call it "pregnancy brain." My back is about the same. The biggest relief is that the doctor said it was normal. She gave me a couple tips to relieve the pain, but told me not to worry too much about it.
I meant to do a blog update last week after my doctor's appointment, but obviously that didn't happen. Things went well though and our next appointment will be on October 19th where we will find out if it's a boy or girl. Time for a big announcement people...Brad and I have finalized our name choices!!! For a girl, Morgan Reese, and for a boy, William Isaac. We have had the girl name picked out for a while. We came up with Morgan right after I got pregnant, and Brad picked out Reese during the hurricane when we had no power and nothing better to do than flip through a baby name book. William Isaac has also been on the table for a while, but we wanted to make sure it was 100% what we wanted before announcing it. Both William and Isaac come from Brad's grandfathers. Papa Joe (Isaac), passed away in April and we miss him so much. Brad has always been very close to his "Papas" and we thought it was a great way to acknowledge both of them. We are so excited to find out if we have a little Morgan or William on the way!
Survey says...
How far along? 17 weeks baby!
Total weight gain? Ok it's officially 4 lbs. Mom's scale was either off or I managed to gain a little by my doctor's appointment. Either way, it seems that I am going slow and steady. Hope I can keep it up!
How big is the baby? Sweet potato
Maternity clothes? Yes, and it appears I may need to invest in some new bras before I have a wardrobe malfunction.
Stretch marks? Still no!
Sleep? Yes! I have been sleeping really well at night. I am going to enjoy this as long as I can because I know that as I get bigger, sleeping will become more difficult.
Best moment of the week? My doctor's appointment and hearing baby's heart beating away. (152 bpm). Also seeing a bunch of friends over the weekend, and yesterday ( <3 bitties)
Movement? Still not 100% sure if what I am feeling is digestion or movement. I am paying VERY close attention though.
Cravings? Not really. I ate a bunch of chips and onion dip today though. NOM NOM NOM.
Gender? No clue. CANNOT WAIT!
Labor signs? Please God, no.
Belly button in or out? Way in still.
What am I looking forward to? October 19th!!!
Adorable name choices! Can't wait to find out what you're having!