I know I am going to think this every week, but...OMG am I already 15 weeks pregnant??? It seems like just yesterday I was taking the pregnancy test. It truly is crazy how time flies.
This was a very exciting week. Work has been going great. We have lots of kids in the program this year, which is keeping us very busy. I have not told the students yet that I am expecting. I am going to wait until I feel the time is right. Most of the staff already know though. One staff member who didn't know asked me today if I was expecting because she could tell my I had a bump. Well, obviously I would be quite offended if I wasn't pregnant, but I took this as a HUGE compliment! This is the first time someone has noticed my bump without knowing already. Friends and family are noticing now too. It is great to see their reactions at how we have grown :)
I had a busy, but very fun weekend. Friday, Brad and I went to the McDaniel's house to visit with Adam, Lauren, and Connor. We also got to see Bonnie and Darryl. It was so nice seeing everyone! Connor has grown so much since I saw him back in June. Even though I don't get to see them often, I really appreciate the time we have together. I got to see them all again on Sunday for Bonnie's baby shower. I LOVE going to baby showers, especially now that I am expecting. I made sure to pay close attention to the gifts she registered for and some other cool items I would have never thought of.
I've been meaning to update on my pregnancy symptoms. I was afraid that headaches were going to be a daily problem for me, but as it turns out, they have gone away almost completely (knock on wood). Other things I have noticed are some lower back pain on my right side and numbness in my right thigh after sleeping. I also notice I get crampy if I don't drink enough fluids, so I am really working on that. My acne has been OUT OF CONTROL too. I look like a pizza face. I know its worth it though. But I am certainly not the beautiful glowing pregnant woman that you read about or see on TV. My eating is going well. I feel like I have definitely gained some weight, although I have no clue how much. As you can tell from the picture, we definitely hit a growth spurt this week. I am still trying to be as healthy as possible, as I don't want to gain too quickly. I have an appointment a week from tomorrow so I will know then how I have been doing.
Other big news...the crib is in!!! We still have it packaged for now. We may even wait to put it up after we paint the nursery, which is going to be put off until we know whether it's a Brad Jr. or Pam Jr. (no, those aren't the names we picked out). I will try to get some pictures of the nursery stuff with my good camera for next week. Until then...SURVEY!
1. How far along? 15 weeks
2. Total weight gain? Not sure, but if I had to guess, 6-7 lbs total.
3. How big is the baby? Avacado!
4. Maternity clothes? Yes! And I think I will be buying more tops. They are much more flattering.
5. Stretch marks? Not yet...
6. Sleep? Some nights not so much, last night I fell asleep at 8pm and slept until 7. I better enjoy that while I can!
7. Best moment of the week? Seeing Lauren and Connor this weekend. Love them <3
8. Movement? Soon maybe??
9. Cravings? No. I love all food.
10. Gender? No clue. 5 more weeks!
11. Labor signs? No no no.
12. Belly button in or out? In but stretching...
13. What am I looking forward to? My doctors appointment next week!
girl you need a brighter picture so I can gawk at that adorable bump!!!!