Saturday, June 29, 2013

The dreaded scales...

I love the fact that I have the time (and energy!) to blog. Summer rocks!  Anyways, just a quick post about a recent struggle of mine that I feel the need to get down on paper computer.  The past couple of months have been extremely hectic and stressful for me for multiple reasons.  Of course times like these always spark poor eating habits because, let's face it, a bowl of ice cream can cure even the poorest mood.  I have been avoiding the scales like the plague, so I knew when I stepped on them tonight it wasn't going to be pretty.  Well, it was rather ugly indeed.  Five pounds OVER my pre-pregnancy weight (dun dun dun!!!).  Okay so I know it really doesn't sound that bad, but when put in perspective, the last time I weighed this amount (other than immediately postpartum), was when I was 18 weeks pregnant.  I went back and checked the blog just to be sure.  And oddly enough, the picture of my baby bump at 18 weeks is strikingly similar to the gut I have now, HA!  So needless to say I am not thrilled with the fact that I am looking like I did at 18 weeks pregnant.  Plus it does not help that everyone is beginning to wonder when I will get pregnant again, being that Morgan is 16 months old.  I can sense people staring at my stomach and pondering to themselves if I had too much lunch or if I am with-child.  Before someone points out a non-existent pregnancy, I think I want to get this weight thing under control.  Five pounds doesn't sound bad, but trust me, it's a slippery slope!

Now, here is the reason I am making this personal battle public...I need motivation!  I know if I go at this alone and have no means to hold myself accountable, I won't make any progress.  So here I go, brutally honest,

I weigh....








GOTCHA!  Okay so I am not actually brave enough (right now) to reveal my weight, but I will certainly share my goals and my progress.  I would like to lose 15 pounds in 3 months.  Very doable.  So there, by September 30, I should be lean and mean still nice.  I will also try to post some progress pictures, but right now I'm in my jammies and a "before" photoshoot just isn't gonna happen!

Wish me luck :)

1 comment:

  1. Being that we live through the woods of each other, I would love it if we could go jogging together in the mornings...I too need to lose a few and get in shape...BUT to go before work, I would have to get the girls up and go at like 6am...and I dont think that would be much fun for any of us. lol. You look great as always, but good luck in getting where you want to be =)
