Friday, December 7, 2012

Long Overdue

I'm so disappointed in myself for not posting more often.  Obviously I do the blog to keep friends and family updated, but I also like to go back and read the posts for myself to remember the little things that are so easy to forget.  My mom did these awesome, super-detailed baby books when my brother and I were little, and of course I have totally dropped the ball on Morgan's.  I tried starting one a few weeks after she was born but have not touched it since.  Terrible, I know. 

Anywho, the holidays are quickly approaching and Brad and I are super excited to celebrate with Morgan this year.  I am pretty much done shopping for her (except for her stocking), and have already wrapped some of her gifts.  Yay!  We decided not to spend an arm and a leg on gifts for her #1 because she already has a house full of toys (they are literally taking over my living room) #2 because she is 9 months old and will have just as much fun with the wrapping paper and #3 because we are trying not to put a huge emphasis on gifts at Christmas. Afterall, the holidays are about spending time with family and celebrating the birth of Jesus, right?  I do hope to start lots of Christmas traditions, like baking cookies, looking at Christmas lights, and going to see Santa.  These are things I am sure she will remember more than any toy anyways.

Poor Morgan has had a terrible ear infection this week.  This one seems a lot worse than the first one.  And on top of the ear infection, she has 5 teeth coming in at one time.  Four on the top and one at the bottom (she already has 2 bottom teeth).  To be honest, I am relieved they are coming in at the same time so she can be done with teething for a while.  I just hope it doesn't cause her too much pain.  It doesn't seem to have slowed her down too much.  She is VERY busy and into everything.  She has been saying only Dada for the past 3 weeks, and today I finally got a Mama out of her, YAY (she said Mama, Dada, and Bye for the first time around 7 months). No new words yet.  She pulls up constantly and hates being confined.  She is still a great eater and loves Cheerios.  Her 9 month check up was last week and she is 20 lbs 11 oz and 29 inches (the size of an average 1 year old according to the Pediatrician).  I feel so blessed to have such a healthy, happy baby and thank God for her everyday.  I think I am going to put a big bow on her head and stick her under the tree for my Christmas present this year!

I will leave you with a few of our Christmas photos, courtesy of Lucy Rae Photography.


  1. love your photos and don't worry, I'm right there with you on not touching our baby book. I think I have about 4 months filled in and haven't looked at it since.
