Saturday, October 27, 2012

Proud Mama!

It's Saturday night, Morgan is sleeping, and the hubs still isn't back from hunting.  Perfect opportunity to update.  And boy do I have some updates!  This is one proud Momma typing over here.  So, let's get started...

Morgan will be 8 months old tomorrow.  It's starting to really scare me how fast time is going.  I know I say this in every post, but it's an overwhelming, powerless feeling to see your child growing and changing right before your eyes.  Of course, I feel incredibly blessed to have such a healthy, beautiful baby and I am so glad she is growing like she is supposed to.  We have several new developments since my last post.  Maybe the most noticeable is the crawling.  She has been "army crawling" (on her tummy), for several weeks now, but this past week she started crawling up on all fours.  She is quick too!  I can't turn my head for a second without her darting across the room.  Next on the list is pulling up.  That started this week as well.  We call her our little monkey because she will pull up on EVERYTHING she can get her hands on.  Today she was successful at completely pulling herself up to standing without any help.  Brad and I still have not baby proofed the house (I know, I know) so it looks like we better hop to it.  If you are a Facebook friend, I am sure you have already witnessed the third development.  We have a talker on our hands!  Morgan can now say "Momma" and "Bye Bye".  She waves Bye Bye too.  For some reason I thought this was crazy, super advanced for an 8 month old, but after doing some research I found that these are typical behaviors of 8 and 9 month olds.  Oh well.  I am still very impressed!  Lastly is the arrival of Morgan's first tooth.  The bottom front tooth popped through about a week ago.  The week prior to that was rough on her.  She was pretty cranky and wasn't very interested in eating.  Baby Orajel and some Advil here and there got her through it and she is doing much better.  I hope we get a little break before the next tooth arrives.

As far as sleeping goes, Morgan has really settled in to an excellent schedule.  She goes down every night between 7:00 and 7:30pm.  I know this seems early but that is when she gets tired, so I am not going to force her to stay up.  She usually sleeps until about 4 or 5am, but this morning she didn't get up until 6:45am!  Woohoo!  She gets 2 naps and plenty of playtime everyday.  One of my good friends recommended the book, "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" and I highly recommend it as well.  It's advice that allows for flexibility, and explains the importance of sleep for children.  A great and easy read!

Well thanks to everyone who made it through this shameless brag session about my child.  Now time to put my feet up and relax for the night.  Monday morning will be here too soon!!!


  1. Omg.. I love her so much! She is just TOO precious! p.s.- what a great friend to recommend that book. She must be pretty cool!

  2. So glad she sleeps great for you!!
