Sunday, January 13, 2013

One busy Momma

Usually I have no trouble finding the motivation to do a blog post but lately I have been so busy that blogging has seemed like a chore.  There is a lot to catch up on though, so let's begin!

Morgan's first Christmas was such a blast.  She loved her toys, especially her motorcycle (just like Daddy's), and her Princess castle.  Santa also brought her puzzles, a ball popper, clothes, and other little gadgets.  Seeing her face light up while opening her presents was so much fun.  It brought back so many memories from my childhood.  I'm really looking forward to next year when she can appreciate the day even more.

Morgan is quickly approaching the one year mark (she is 10.5 months) and she is doing something new everyday.  She now says Momma, Dada, Uh-Oh, Oh-Wow (kind of like "Ooooo wow"), and Dog (with a long "o"), all in the correct context.  Okay okay, she calls cats "Dog", but can you blame her?  Waylon weighs 8 lbs and can almost pass as a large rodent.  I can see where that would be confusing.  She also said "No" today, but it wasn't in context.  I am sure she will get that one down in no time though.  She is very interested in walking, but isn't quite there yet.  She can take steps while holding someone's hand.  She pulls up on just about everything and is starting to climb too.  No standing up on her own just yet.  She is very wobbly.  She will get there though!

Since my last post I have made the decision to go back to school to get my Masters degree in Special Education.  I have been debating whether or not I should do it for months now, and I finally found the courage to take the plunge.  I start my prerequisite class on Jan. 30, take the GRE Feb. 9, and will hopefully be accepted into the program at VCU for the Summer.  I am terrified about how I am going to do it all, but also very excited about what's to come.

Until next time!

(for some reason stupid blogger is not letting me upload pictures and I am too tired to fight with it, so I will try to post some another day)

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