Monday, August 20, 2012

Milestones, Vacation, and House Projects!

Just looked back at my last post and realized it has been exactly 1 month since I last blogged.  I have been dying to post some important Morgan milestone updates, as well as our first family vacation to the beach!  Without further ado...

Milestones!  Morgan is almost 6 months old (just typing that is making it more real for me).  She develops more personality with each passing day, and let me just tell you, she may look like her Daddy, but she acts just like me (not sure yet if that is a good thing or not).  She is very sassy, giggly, and I have never seen someone so cranky when they are sleepy, except for myself.  Those little hands are on everything these days.  She loves to reach out and grab whatever catches her eye, be it my phone, my hair, my earrings (ouch!), or her ever-growing stash of toys.  While we were on vacation, she started hinting at wanting to sit up, aka, she would fuss whenever she was put down on her back or tummy.  In the past when I have attempted to sit her up either with assistance from me or the Bumbo, she showed little interest.  After just a few tries of plopping her down in the sitting position, she has really gotten the hang of it.  She can sit completely unsupported for 10-20 seconds, sometimes even longer.  Way to go, Morgan!  In other milestone news, she is still sleeping in her crib, and still waking me up SEVERAL times a night.  I am hoping this phase ends soon since I will be back to work in just 2 weeks.  We are still working on feeding her rice cereal, and I am not sure if I am having a harder time with it than her.  It just seems too soon to be feeding my little baby actual food with a spoon, but I know it's best for her.  I am excited to try her on some other foods, and I am hoping she likes them!  Also, I am thrilled to announce that Morgan's Halloween costume has been ordered.  No, I am not making it myself as I do not sew and do not possess any crafty genes whatsoever.  Regardless, I am super stoked about it and can't wait to get her all dressed up.  Here it is!!

Vacation.  Ahh how the meaning of that word changes once you have a child.  We went to Oak Island Beach, NC this year, where we have never gone before.  We normally go to Topsail Island, NC, but the family decided to change things up.  We stayed in an oceanfront condo with Brad's grandparents.  First of all, it is AMAZING how much crap you have to take on vacation for one child.  We had the bed of an F150 slam packed with the Pack N Play, bouncer, tent, umbrella, toys, clothes, etc.  Looks like once we have more kids we will be renting a Uhaul.  On top of having all the stuff, we had a very modest sized condo for 4 adults and a baby.  The bed took up so much room that we had no room for the Pack N Play.  Thank goodness I decided to bring the Rock N Play just in case.  Morgan's feet practically hang out of it, but she slept in that thing all week.  I was a little worried about the weather due to some gloomy forecasts for the area, but it ended up being beautiful all week.  We took Morgan onto the beach a few days, which was a ton of work.  Hauling the tent, chairs, umbrella, towels, water, toys, bouncer, and baby is no easy task.  And after all of that hard work, it turns out Morgan is not much of a fan of the beach.  Just like her Mommy, she does not like being all hot and sandy.  Once Brad and I figured this out, we decided we would go down to the beach in shifts so that we could relax while the other watched Morgan.  Brad's grandma was a ton of help too, since she didn't like to stay on the beach too long either.  Next year I am hoping that Morgan will enjoy herself a little more so all the work will be worthwhile.  Overall, we did have a nice trip.  Most of all, I enjoyed having an entire week to spend with my husband.  He truly is my best friend and we have so much fun together.

House projects!  We finally got a reasonable estimate for some interior paint work, so we will be getting the downstairs, upstairs hall, master bedroom, and bathroom painted the week I go back to work.  All of the walls are currently white, so I am very excited to have some color in this house.  Once the walls are painted, it is GO TIME for decorating.  I can't wait! 

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their summer! 


  1. O. M. G. That piggy costume. I die.

  2. hahahaha LOVE the piggy costume. And don't worry, she WILL sleep through the night. Some babies just take a little longer.. like Connor ;) Now he's in bed by 7 and usually sleeps past 7 am the next day. Thought that day would never come.
