Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Half a year, could it be?

Yes, that time has arrived.  Six months old.  Six months ago almost to the minute, I had just delivered my beautiful baby girl.  On the one hand that time seems so long ago because of how much my life has changed, but on the other I feel like these 26 weeks have passed in the blink of an eye.  Morgan is healthy, happy, and changing so much each day.  Brad and I feel so blessed and proud to have her in our lives.
 As you can see from the picture, Morgan is sitting now, mostly on her own.  She gets wobbly after a while, especially if she loses focus or tries to watch Waylon as he runs all over the room.  Teething has definitely begun, but no teeth have cut through yet.  She loves her Sophie the Giraffe and her frozen teething rings to soothe her gums.  She just figured out yesterday how to roll from one end of the room to the other.  Looks like baby-proofing the house is in the very near future. 

I feel the need to share the following story because I have a feeling that I am just one of many moms who have experienced this.  Mom and I went shopping yesterday to spend my birthday money on some much needed new clothes.  I am embarassed to admit I actually still own (and sometimes wear) items that I have had for over 10 years.  In fact, I still have a pair of cheerleading shorts from MIDDLE SCHOOL that I regularly wear.  The elastic in the waist is shot, and the cotton is so soft.  By far the comfiest shorts in the world.  Brad loves to joke about how many clothes I have, but I quickly remind him that it only LOOKS like I have a lot of clothes because I don't get rid of stuff.  I have plenty of friends whose summer wardrobe puts my entire wardrobe to shame. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining about this.  Fashion has never been my cup of tea and I really don't consider myself to have a "style."  Anyways, back to my story.  I desparately needed some updated clothing because stuff either didn't fit, was terribly outdated, or was just plain age-inappropriate (no, it is not okay for a 25 year old to wear a rhinestone encrusted halter/tube top from Charlotte Russe).

                                                                     (yes, this is the one)

We started off in New York and Company and I was trying on some jeans.  I think you know where this story is heading.  Jeans were a difficult purchase for me before having a child, so my new body made it even more challenging.  I called out to my mom to go grab me a size 8, because the 6's made me look like a busted up can of crescent rolls.  She called back that those were the 8's.  GASP.  Why is it that as women, we care SO MUCH about the number printed on a pair of pants?  Tears started welling up in my eyes, but I decided I wasn't going to let it ruin my day.  Rather than trying on the 10's, I decided those jeans just weren't for me, and asked my mom to grab me a pair of black slacks (a girl's best friend according to Stacy London).  The 8 petite fit perfectly, and I went back to trying on some cute tops.  We ended up having a very successful shopping trip (about 7 tops and a pair of size 8 jeans from The Limited).  I guess the moral of my story is that motherhood changes a woman in so many ways.  We become more patient, we can multitask like no one's business, we put others before ourselves day after day, and even with these wonderful and positive changes, we tend to focus on a few extra pounds and curves.  The old me would have spent all day crying over my size 4's and XS's, but not the new me.  This body may not be perfect, far from it, but it grew a beautiful healthy child, and continues to feed her everyday.  If that isn't something to be proud of, I don't know what is.  Now I'll leave you with a quick video that is sure to put a smile on your face!


  1. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! Pre and post baby, you are a gorgeous lady and such an inspiration :)

  2. I LOVE NY and CO clothes! Someone told me that Dockers make a nice slack that have a forgiveable waist, I totally need them!
