Friday, July 20, 2012

Getting Settled In

Now that I finally have a few minutes without having to clean, pack, unpack, feed a baby, feed myself, feed my dog, etc... I figured I would update the blog.  We are officially moved into the beautiful new house in Brandermill, right on hole 4 of the golfcourse.  Words really can't describe how happy we are at the new home.  Waylon has adjusted quickly and is even going to the bathroom outside without a leash (our other house had a fenced backyard).  Ever since we put an offer on the house I have pictured Waylon running like a bat out of hell towards the golfcourse to bite some poor golfer.  He knows how good he has it here and I don't think he plans on making a break for it anytime soon.  We still have a list a mile long of things we want to do to the house (paint, new furniture, organizing, etc), but we are in no hurry.  I am going to view this house as a lifelong project, because I meant it when I said that I am NEVER moving again!!!

It seems like Morgan has grown and developed by leaps and bounds over the past few weeks.  Once we got moved in, she immediately started grabbing her feet and bringing them to her mouth, along with every other thing she can get her little paws on (including my hair!).  A few days later during tummy time, I noticed she was a lot more content with being on her tummy, which is major progress.  That same day she began doing little baby "push-ups" and by the time Brad got home from work she was ROLLING OVER!  YAY MORGAN!  We were so proud of her.  Other major news in Morgan's life...she is now sleeping in her crib!  I decided that enough was enough, and it was time to take the plunge.  I realized that I was keeping her in the Rock N Play for selfish reasons and she soon would be way too big for it anyways.  She has slept in the crib every night since July 7th.  Of course I have to go back and forth to soothe her and get her to sleep on occasion, but for the most part I lay her down and she is out like a light.  Unfortunately, she is waking up more frequently (about 3 times a night), but I have gotten pretty good at being a Zombie Mommy and I am able to feed her, burp her, change her, and go back to sleep without feeling too sleep deprived in the morning.  A few days ago I gave her rice cereal for the first time, in hopes that it would fill her up before bed and allow her to sleep longer.  She loved the cereal, but no such luck on the sleeping.  I may postpone the cereal a few more weeks since she is still breastfed, which is going great by the way.  I am so glad I made it past the difficult part because now it is so much easier.  I cannot imagine having to come downstairs and make a bottle at 3am, SCREW THAT!  Not to mention the hundreds of dollars I have saved on formula.  I encourage any new mom who is having a hard time with breastfeeding to just take things day by day, and DO NOT BUY formula.  If all you have is Momma's milk, then you are less likely to give up.

Well I apologize for the lengthy post and promise to do better with keeping it up.  Maybe I will even get motivated enough to blog about some house projects.  Warning: I am in no way crafty or creative, so keep your Pintrest accounts. 


PS This post's photos are a few of my favorites from my iPhone from the last few weeks.  Enjoy!

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