Thursday, June 21, 2012


Despite the fact that I was only back at work for 12 days, I am still very excited that school is out and summer is here!  Obviously, I am thrilled to be at home with Morgan to watch her giggle, grow, and get prettier by the second (didn't think it was possible but she does get prettier everyday).  But I guess there is also that kid inside of me that can't help but love summer vacation, snow days, or any other event that allows the teachers and kiddos to have a break.

It was a moment that I had dreaded before Morgan was even born.  I knew that with her due date being in early March that I would have to go back to work for at least a few days unless she was born 2 weeks late (no thanks).  So May 31 was my first day back and I have to admit it wasn't as horrible as I pictured.  Yes there were tears, and yes my heart ached the entire way to work.  But honestly once I got there, the hugs from all the kids and the friendly faces of my coworkers made it much easier.  Within a couple of hours I felt like I hadn't missed a beat.  Of course, I couldn't get home quick enough in the afternoons and soaked up as much cuddle time as I could for the rest of the evening.  The hardest part (other than leaving Morgan, of course), was the balancing act of keeping up the house, being super organized with bottles and pumping, and running errands.  I am so grateful that I have a very  helpful husband, who will do just about anything I ask of him.  And I also have a happy, sleepy, healthy baby who is now sleeping about 6-7 hours at night.  Being well rested makes everything easier.

When deciding to post today I actually had to think about how many weeks Morgan is now.  When I figured up 16, I thought, CAN THAT BE RIGHT?  How is she 16 weeks already??  I knew the big 4 month mark was coming up but for some reason 16 weeks sounds insane.  She is doing great though, and everyday she seems to learn something new.  She loves grabbing things and bringing them to her mouth.  She has officially started giggling (cutest. thing. ever.) and is a very smiley girl.  I had guessed going back to work would result in bringing home some yucky kiddo germs, and I was right.  Morgan is a tough cookie though, and is getting over her first cold.  She just had some sniffles and a little coughing, but she never seemed to be upset over it.  What an angel!  I am still waiting for the all-important "rolling over" milestone, which technically doesn't need to be reached until about 5 months.  She has rolled over a couple of times, but not consistantly, so I am not really counting it.  She HATES tummy time, which doesn't help.  It's so hard to sit there and watch her cry, but I try to get in a few minutes so that she can build up those neck muscles.  Whenever I get stressed about Morgan's milestones, my mom reminds me that I didn't sit on my own until I was 8 months old and I didn't walk until 14 months (both well behind the curve).  My rents even put me in Junior Kindergarten due to my "delays."  Thanks, Mom!  Haha.

In my last post I mentioned that Brad and I had been house hunting and would possibly be moving this summer.  Well, it's official!  We accepted the sellers' counter offer and will be closing on July 6th.  After an exhausting search, we finally decided on a beautiful home in Brandermill.  The house has everything on our "wish list."  We made a small compromise on the yard.  It isn't fenced and is a tad smaller than what we were looking for, but we decided it was something we could definitely live with and being right on the golf course with a water view doesn't hurt either.  Because the market SUCKS to sell a house, we will be renting out our current home.  We are excited about being landlords and hope that it will be a smart investment, although at times the risks associated with renting makes me want to puke.  I have been doing A LOT of praying and am trusting that all of this chaos will be worth it in the end.

Speaking of my gut-wrenching anxiety, how about a Weight Watchers update?  Well, I have to admit I have been off the program since I last posted.  The stress of moving and going back to work was totally overwhelming, so I decided to take a WW break and see what happened.  I honestly had gone weeks without weighing, so when I stepped on the scale yesterday I was a nervous wreck.  Fortunately, I have managed to maintain my 12 pound weight loss.  Yay!  That is all I can ask for.  Maybe once we get moved and settled in, I can start utilizing those amazing walking trails in Brandermill and burn off a few more pounds.  If not, no big deal.  I have accomplished a lot and overall I feel good about where I am.

Now time to feed my growing machine...until next time!

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