Monday, May 21, 2012

12 Weeks: Happy baby, sick dog, and new house?

I had no idea that it has been 4 weeks since I last posted.  Time really has slipped away from me.  Morgan will be 12 weeks old tomorrow and continues to be a little growing and learning machine.  She laughs, coos, holds her head up, plays with her hands, loves to kick her feet, and is now getting used to her Bumbo seat.  She still enjoys swinging and will now take naps in her crib (Yay!).  She is sleeping great at night; on average about 6 hours.  She also takes a couple of naps during the day.  Her Rock N Play sleeper is still her napping/sleeping location of choice.  Hopefully she will become more comfortable in her crib before she gets too big for the Rock N Play.  At her 2 month doctors appointment, which was now about 4 weeks ago, she weighed 11 lbs 15 ounces.  Morgan is in the 75th percentile for height and weight, and 50th percentile for her head size.  We are still breastfeeding and it is going well.  Morgan spits up quite a bit and seems to have reflux issues, so we recently started her on some medication to help with that.  I never understood why some mothers kept a bib on their babies at all times.  Now I get it.  This child drools, spits, burps, and vomits ALL the time.  Good thing I have a supply of about 20 bibs.  Now I know why new moms complain about laundry.  I go through a few shirts a day because despite all of the bibs and burp cloths, my shirt seems to be the best place to puke.  I call it my "Mommy Perfume" and even though at times it stresses me out to have to change my clothes constantly, I wouldn't have it any other way!  I am LOVING being a Mommy and finally feel like I have settled in to being at home; of course just in time for me to go back to work.  I have about a week and a half before I return and I am extremely nervous about it.  I haven't given work much thought since I have been out, and I really want to go back and finish out the school year strong for the kids.  I just hope that I have the strength and patience to do my job well.  My mom is going to be taking care of Morgan 2 of the days, and one of my best friend's mom will be watching her the other 10, so I know she will be in great hands. 

On top of adjusting to life with a beautiful baby girl, Brad and I have had some other recent developments at the Hooper household.  Poor Waylon has been very sick and we have been so worried about him.  We took him to the emergency vet back in April and he had a terrible infection (still don't know what caused it).  He was having bloody stools (sorry if that's too graphic) and had a really high fever.  It took several days, but he finally got over it.  Last Friday, I noticed he was licking his rear end (not overly unusual), and was walking funny.  Upon closer inspection, I discovered he had a huge cyst-like sore spot on his bum.  He was also burning up and not acting himself.  Fortunately my best friend Amy was over and she helped me take him to the vet.  Sure enough he had a fever and the vet said that one of his anal glands had become infected and turned into an abscess (gross!).  They had to completely sedate him, drain it, and load him up on pain meds and antibiotics.  He seems to be doing a lot better, but still not 100% himself.  Needless to say this past month has been extremely stressful (AND EXPENSIVE) as pet owners. 

Also adding to the stress, Brad and I are currently looking at moving into a new home.  We made our first offer on a house yesterday and now we are just waiting to hear back from our agent with the counter offer.  It's true what they say.  Buying a house is one of the most stressful life events.  We also need to sell our home or rent it out, which has made me a complete cleanaholic (as if I wasn't one already).  Our house isn't on the market yet but our agent is hopeful that we will get a lot of activity.  Fingers crossed!

Weight Watchers update:  Down 11 lbs since the start and 33 since having Morgan!  I have become slightly less strict with my points, but I am still managing to lose a little every week.  I have done WW many times in the past,, and each time it has consumed my life.  This time I don't have that choice since I have so many other things going on, and it's really nice not to be stressing over the scale at every meal.  In fact, I only weigh myself once a week, and I only remember to do that because my WW app tells me it's weigh-in day.  I still have about 5 pounds to lose to reach my WW goal, and 10 to reach my personal goal.  But if it takes 6 more months to get there I am okay with that. 

Maybe the next time I post I will have some exciting house hunting news.  Prayers and happy thoughts are welcome!  Thanks again to all my wonderful family and friends for their constant outpour of love and support.  Morgan and I are still receiving gifts and acts of kindness from people and it warms my heart to know that so many people love us.  We are so very blessed!

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