Wednesday, April 25, 2012

8 weeks old!

My sweet Morgan is 8 weeks old and will be 2 months old on Saturday.  It is hard to believe that much time has gone by since she was born.  She amazes me with how much she changes and all of the new things she is able to do.  She is full of smiles now, and each one melts my heart!  She still sleeps a better portion of the day, but when she is awake, she is very alert and loves to check out her surroundings.  She absolutely LOVES her Daddy.  She lights up when he gets home from work.  Tummy time is usually a challenge.  She hates being on her stomach and usually fusses most of the time.  One time she got so mad she flipped herself over.  I know it was an accident, but I am still counting it!  Her favorite thing to do (other than someone holding her of course) is to swing.  She will stare at the little owls hanging down from it and just crack up laughing.  It is so adorable!  People ask me all the time if she is sleeping through the night.  Well, the answer is unfortunately NO.  I will not complain though, because she does sleep really well at night between feedings.  She will eat around 9 or 10, then get up around 3 or 4 and again at 6 or 7.  I have adjusted well to this schedule so I don't feel nearly as sleep deprived as I did a few weeks ago. 

Since my last post Morgan has had her first Easter and attended her first wedding.  She also got to meet my good friend Lauren and her adorable son, Connor.  I wish they lived closer.  Texas is TOO FAR AWAY.  She was an absolute ANGEL at Sam and Lauren's wedding.  She slept through all of the loud music, dancing, and being passed around like a little football.  I was so proud showing her off.  Sometimes I can't even believe she is mine!

Breastfeeding is going great.  It is so much easier than it was in the beginning.  It was a little tricky having to pump during all of the wedding festivities this weekend, but I managed.  Morgan still has a tendancy to break her latch and is a little fussy during feedings at times, but she is getting better.  I can't wait to see how much she weighs at her next appointment.  She hasn't been to the Pediatrician since her 1 month checkup, so I am hoping she has put on a couple of pounds since then.  She is filling out her 3 month onesies so I know she has grown.  I will try to update next week after her appointment.

Weight Watchers update:  HELLO PRE-PREGNANCY WEIGHT!  I finally made it.  The weight has been coming off slowly (about a pound a week since starting WW), so I was so excited to finally see that magic number on the scale this morning, especially after eating all the yummy food at the wedding this past weekend.  I still have 8 pounds to go to get to my WW goal, and 13 pounds to go to get to my "Wedding Weight," which is my ultimate goal.  I hope to start becoming more active to help the weight come off a little easier.  I know I will need to get better about working out once I stop nursing too.  I HATE working out though, so wish me luck.

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