Thursday, April 5, 2012

5 weeks and Doctor update!

This week Morgan had her 1 month checkup with the Pediatrician. My little girl is 10 lbs 4.5 ounces! The doctor said that most babies gain between 1-2 lbs in a month, and Morgan had gained over a pound in 2 weeks. Great weight gain! I was worried that she wasn't getting enough milk because her feedings are usually pretty short (about 10 minutes), but apparently she is getting plenty. Being that she is over 10 lbs, most of her newborn clothes do not fit anymore. It was really hard for me to put her in her 3 month clothes, because I feel like she is growing up so fast. On the bright side, she has so many cute outfits in the 3 months size, so now I get excited to play dress-up with her every morning.
I am thankful to say that Morgan is doing a great job of sleeping at night. She does get me up several times to eat, but she normally goes back to sleep as soon as she is done. Brad and I are very nervous to put her in her crib, but we know it is something that we need to do sooner rather than later. Last night he set up her Angelcare Monitor (thanks Lauren and Cindy!) so that we can rest easy that she is okay. It monitors movement, and if 20 seconds goes by without any movement, an alarm sounds. We are going to give it a whirl tonight. Wish us luck!
Weight Watchers update: At my last weigh in I was down a total of 4.8 lbs! Yay! It isn't coming off as easily or quickly as I thought, but slow and steady is fine with me. I was always told that if I breastfed, the weight would literally FALL off. Well, it may for some women, but not me. As closely as I have been counting my points, and as much as Morgan eats, one would think I could reach my goal in no time. Oh well. I am going to stay positive and try not to put too much stress on myself. I am really anxious to fit comfortably back in my regular clothes though. Several of my pre-preggo jeans fit, but I have crucial muffin top because they barely button. I refuse to buy clothes in a bigger size, so if I have to keep wearing my maternity jeans, so be it! Brad has managed to lose almost 10 lbs since I have started Weight Watchers (damn him!). I am glad to know that we are both eating healthier, and I hope we can both keep it up.
Happy Easter everyone! I hopefully will get some good family pictures this weekend for my post next week. Sorry for the lack of pictures this time. I'm trying!!!

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