Sunday, March 25, 2012

Almost 1 month old!

These past few weeks have really flown by. Morgan is changing everyday and it's so fun to watch her grow. I can tell already I am going to be that Mom who cries at every little milestone. I got weepy when her umbilical cord fell off. Now she is almost too big for newborn size diapers and some of her newborn sleepers. My little girl is getting big!
Morgan has been to the pediatrician a few times since I last posted. She has reached and passed her birthweight (8lbs 3 oz) and now weighs a whopping 9 lbs 1.5 oz! Yay! It is such a relief to know that your child is growing and getting enough to eat, especially when you are breastfeeding. Unfortunately, we have both developed a case of thrush, which is more annoying than anything else. It affects how she eats though, so each feeding is a challenge. I am sure we will get past it, and I am determined to continue nursing as long as possible. My mom warned me before Morgan was born that mothers who breastfeed are often discriminated against and rarely receive the support they need. Wow was she right! I never knew how controversial a topic it was until I became a nursing mother. I guess I will never understand why some people find it "inappropriate"/"disrespectful"/"disgusting"/ to meet a child's most basic need. If our society had a better attitude towards breastfeeding mothers, maybe there would be more nursing stations so that women could feed their child without a bunch of judgemental, uptight creeps staring at them. Fortunately, I do have the support of my husband, family, and many of my close friends, and that is all I need!
Being a Mommy is definitely a challenge, but nowadays there are so many wonderful products that make things just a tad easier. Here is a short list of the things I could not live without:
Pack N Play with changing station and storage (Living in a 2-story home, this is a must! We can change her downstairs without Waylon getting in our way and without having to go upstairs to her nursery)
Rock N Play Sleeper (One of my Mommy-friends recommended this and I am so glad she did! Morgan sleeps like an angel in it and it is super portable. Much easier than a bassinet).
Medela Pump In Style (Thanks Lori! This thing is wonderful.)
Canon Eos Rebel (My camera is amazing. I charged it before I went into labor and it still has most of its charge. Not to mention it takes wonderful pictures. A must for any Mommy!)
Microwave Sterilizer bags (So quick and easy. No boiling necessary! Each bag can be used 20 times. Amazing!)
Diaper Genie (Being that we change 99% of Morgan's diapers in our living room, it is so nice not to worry about my house smelling like baby poop. However, it does smell like dog poop from time to time, Oh Waylon).
I will admit, it is easy to go overboard now with baby gear, but some of the "luxury" items out there (you know, the things that your Mother said she never had and did just fine without) are so nice to have.
On a side note, I started Weight Watchers last Saturday. Yesterday was my first weigh in and I was UP a half pound. I had to laugh. I told myself I should receive an award for being the only woman in Weight Watchers history to gain their first week on the program while nursing. Ha ha. Today I weighed again and was down 3 pounds. The scale can be so mean sometimes. I have definitely been following the program and tracking EVERYTHING. I have about 5 lbs to go to get to my pre pregnancy weight, and about 13 to get to my goal weight. Wish me luck!


  1. Hi! Thanks for the comments on my blog. Your baby, Morgan [love the name, btw!!!!] is ADORABLE. How give me baby fever all over again. :)

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Morgan is so beautiful! I have really enjoyed reading your blog and hope you'll come read mine! In the next few months, we will start trying for a baby of our own. I would love if you would follow along!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
