Monday, September 5, 2011

14 Weeks :)

Although I am technically supposed to post tomorrow, I figured I would go ahead and do it today since tomorrow is the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! I am very excited to go back and see all the little kiddos. I also miss having a set schedule and routine. I am sure in a few weeks though I will be ready to go back to the lazy days of summer. I have always loved this time of year though. I am already thinking about the holidays and how exciting they are going to be this year with our little one on the way.

This was a hectic week again because of the stupid hurricane. Brad and I are so fortunate to have a wonderful family who took us in when our power was out. Brad's parents let us stay with them for a couple of nights this week (THANK YOU!!!). Waylon loves being over there because he gets to play with their Jack Russell, Abby. It's pretty bad when your dog can literally run circles around a Jack Russell. He is NUTS! Fortunately we got our power back Thursday morning. I have never been so excited to have electricity. This is by far the longest I have ever had to go without power and we weren't as bad off as some other people in the Richmond area. As much as I complained I really do sympathize with the Dominion workers who I am sure had very little sleep or time with their families this past week. I am so glad this is all behind us now and I pray that no more come our way this hurricane season!

I had a bit of a scare this week. On Wednesday I noticed I was experiencing some cramps on my right side, so I called my doctor who said that I should drink plenty of water and take it easy, but not to worry. Well, several hours passed and the cramps had gotten slightly worse. They were going down into my leg and felt very similar to menstrual cramps, so I decided to call my doctor again. This time, the nurse told me to come in so they could check things out. My mom was able to go with me, which definitely helped, because I was extremely worried. I didn't get to see my doctor, but the one I did meet with was wonderful. Everything checked out great and I even got to hear the heartbeat on the doppler. It was the most beautiful sound in the world. I could have sat there all day and listened to it. It still brings tears to my eyes thinking about it. The doctor told me the cramps could be caused by several different things, but I shouldn't worry because everything looked completely normal. WHEW!

Other big news...We bought a crib this week! I have been searching high and low for an afforadable crib, preferably with a changing table attached. I did not have much luck in stores, but was able to stumble across a great deal on (I know what you're thinking, "Ew, Walmart?" But stay with me for a is a Delta brand crib, which is also sold at Target. I found it on the Delta website, which then directed me to Walmart. I got the crib with the attached changing table and a trundle underneath for storage AND a crib mattress for the low price of $288! I found the same crib on Target's website without the mattress for around $280. I am very pleased! We chose the "expresso" finish, which Brad liked the most. We also bought a storage unit which we plan to use as a baby dresser. My Dad came up with this idea and I love it. It is way more affordable than a baby dresser and we will be able to use it in other rooms of our house (office, living room, etc) after the baby upgrades to the big boy/girl furniture that we already have from Brad's old room. The storage unit was originally $51 at Target, but we got it for $39 because of the Labor Day sale. We are holding off on buying the "fabric drawers" to go in it until we know what we are having.

Okay so this was a long post. SORRY! I promise next week is sure to be much shorter. Survey!

1. How far along? 14 weeks (tomorrow)

2. Total weight gain? I think I was up a few ounces when I went to the doctor on Wednesday but I am not sure how much exactly. So let's just say another +.5ish this week and +3ish total.

3. How big is the baby? I should probably start looking this up, but I believe I read he/she is now about the size of my fist.

4. Maternity clothes? Pants, yes. They are way more comfortable. Plus, even though I could get by with my regular clothes, I would rather get the use out of the maternity clothes I bought. It didn't make sense for me to be uncomfortable and put off spending the money on the clothes later. At least now I will get to wear them for several months, and let's be honest, they are SO DARN CUTE!

5. Stretch marks? Nope.

6. Sleep? Since returning to my own bed on Thursday night, I have slept like a rock. YAY!

7. Best moment of the week? Hearing my baby's beautiful heartbeat. (In the 150's by the way)

8. Movement? Hopefully soon!

9. Cravings? Still no.

10. Gender? No clue now. I don't think we are going to do the 3D ultrasound though. It is money that we can save towards other baby stuff! It looks like our 20 week ultrasound will be in Mid-October, which is not far away!

11. Labor signs? Please God no. Let's wait until 40 weeks, or at least until February 15th. (To qualify for FMLA I need to be at my current job for a year. My start date was Feb. 14th and my due date is March 6th. Let's keep our fingers crossed people!)

12. Belly button in or out? Way in.

13. What am I looking forward to? Feeling the baby kick, and seeing Brad's reaction when he feels it! OH, and getting the nursery set up! I believe my nesting instincts are kicking in :)