Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Lucky Week 13

I wish I could say this week has flown by, but I would just be kidding myself. Where do I start? The earthquake came this week while I was grocery shopping in Wal Mart. At the time I didn't think much of it and honestly thought it was just the Wal Mart that had been shaking. Boy was I wrong! Then of course Irene graced us with her presence this weekend and I held my breath the entire time. We are so blessed to have no property damage, and Brad cleaned up our yard on Sunday morning. No power yet, but Mom and Dad have been very hospitable! Now I need to worry about getting some scary trees cut down in our yard so I don't have to worry so much for the next storm that comes our way (hopefully no time soon!).

Momma and baby have done great this week. I am still getting those wicked headaches, but not every night. I got a call from my OB's nurse that the test results from my 12 week appointment came back normal. YAY! I forgot to mention in my last blog that I found out after my first appointment that I am RH negative. This really scared me at first because it was something I completely skipped over in my pregnancy books and therefore, knew very little about. I remember seeing it and thinking, "Well that is pretty rare so I don't need to worry about it." Well, I was right about it being rare. Only about 15% of the population has a negative blood type. If the baby's blood is positive, which is likely, my body can develop antibodies to the baby's blood, which can affect future pregnancies. I will get a shot at 28 weeks and 3 days after delivery to prevent this from happening, so no worries.

The tummy has started to pop slightly this week. Some family and friends have told me they notice a teeny bump. I think right now it is mostly bloat, especially after I eat. I am sure the beautiful round bump is just around the corner though. I have been focusing on eating healthier this week. I try to incorporate a fruit and/or vegetable into every meal and snack. I am not always successful but at least I am trying. This is something I definitely need to keep working on! I would like to start an exercise program but the fatigue has not quite let up yet so maybe once I get my second trimester energy wave I will be ready to commit. I have a prenatal yoga DVD that is dying to be used!

Survey time!

1. How far along: 13 weeks :)

2. Total weight gain: +.5 this week, +2.5 total (according to Mom and Dad's scale)

3. How big is the baby? A peach I think?

4. Maternity clothes? Most of the time no. But today, yes. Still mostly wearing dresses and using my elastic band clasp thing. I have pretty much finished shopping for maternity clothes though so I am ready to go when the time comes.

5. Stretch marks? Nope. Still lathering up with my lotion. I have also read that eating healthier and gaining the weight slowly and not exceeding recommended weight gain (25-35 lbs) really helps prevent stretch marks. We shall see...

6. Sleep? No power = no sleep. Waaah

7. Best moment of the week? Trees in the back yard still standing after the hurricane. WOOHOO!

8. Movement? Not yet!

9. Cravings? Still none. But I have noticed that sweets don't appeal to me as much anymore. I am way more interested in salty stuff.

10. Gender? Not sure what I think now. Ready for that 3D ultrasound to confirm!!

11. Labor signs? Heavens no. And lets keep it that way until 40 weeks, thank you very much.

12. Belly button in or out? Way in. I have a feeling my belly button won't pop. That sucker is deep. Haha.

13. What am I looking forward to? Feeling movement, looking pregnant, and knowing if we are having a Phoebe or a Phoebo (sorry, it's Friends reference).


  1. Hahaha LOVE the Friends reference :)

  2. I was exactly the same with wanting more salt than sweet right around the beginning of the 2nd trimester. Now at 23 weeks the sweet tooth has kicked back in and the salt has died down a little. You look great! And yes... also love the friends reference!
