Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sweet 16 :) 4 months pregnant!

There isn't much to update this week because my doctor's appointment is tomorrow. I will do another post then. Mom and I went to an awesome, but CRAZY baby stuff sale at Manchester Middle on Saturday morning (Thanks for the tip, Kristin!). We were both overwhelmed by all of the stuff. There were TONS clothes, but they also had toys, strollers, bouncers, highchairs, etc. I ended up buying a lamp for the nursery for only $5. It is really cute! There is another sale in March so I am sure we will be going back to get some more things.

I have been feeling okay this week. My back pain is getting worse, so I plan on talking to my doctor about it tomorrow. I have done some research online and it appears that it is some sort of "posterior pelvic pain." Obviously the internet can be misleading so before I diagnose myself I am going to talk things over with the doc. Other than the back pain, I have been doing good. My energy level isn't great, but I make it through the work day without caffeine. At night I am ready to go to bed at 9:30 and it is really hard getting up in the mornings. Sometimes I wonder how the HECK am I going to wake up 2 or 3 times a night with my baby. I am sure my motherly instincts will kick in and it won't be as hard as I anticipate (I hope!). But for now I am enjoying the spare time I have and resting a lot. I still haven't started my prenatal yoga, whoops. Better get my butt into gear!

Until tomorrow, here are the stats!

How far along? 16 weeks

Total weight gain? According to Mom's scale I have lost a pound, which puts me at about +2.5 total. But I am going to go by the doctor's scale tomorrow.

How big is the baby? I think an onion. These are vague though because I have seen some HUGE onions.

Maternity clothes? Yep! I also bought 2 dresses at a consignment shop on Saturday. They were $18 for BOTH!

Stretch marks? Not yet. Still using my cream daily.

Sleep? As much as possible. Getting up about 1 or 2 times a night to pee. I seriously need one of those body pillows. I hate sleeping on my side.

Best moment of the week? That will be tomorrow when I get to hear my sweet baby's heart beat.

Movement? I have felt what I would describe as "bubbles" in my lower abdomen (not gas, haha). It has happened a handful of times and I am pretty sure it is movement, but I am not 100% convinced just yet.

Cravings? Nope, but my sweet tooth is making a comeback. :)

Gender? No clue. 4 more weeks. I will be making the appointment TOMORROW.

Labor signs? No way, Jose.

Belly button in or out? Inny

What am I looking forward to? Tomorrow's appointment!!!

1 comment:

  1. Your energy will come back after you have the baby, and you will have NO trouble getting up 3,4,5 times a night :) It really is so much easier with your own. I love you! You look fabulous!
