Late again with the post. Looks like Morgan will be much more punctual than I am apparently. I had another appointment this week and I am still making progress. I am a half cm dilated and 20% effaced. He said that my cervix has definitely dropped since last week and is softening. The doc thinks that I will make it to 37 weeks but he does not think I will go past my due date. Based on how I felt yesterday (HORRIBLE), I would guess that she will be arriving in 2 weeks. Today, I have felt AWESOME and feel like I could go another month. My energy level is much better and I have had very few Braxton Hicks contractions.
I learned a valuable lesson this week. I have been putting off some of the minor preparations, like boiling bottles, washing clothes and blankets, packing my hospital bag, etc, because most of the pregnancy I have been feeling wonderful and thought it would last. Not the case. It is finally sinking in that Morgan can come very soon and there are a lot of little things that need to be done. This was really stressing me out, so MOM TO THE RESCUE! My mom came over earlier this week and got a ton of things done for me. I felt terrible sitting on the couch not being able to help, but I guess that is what moms are for. She has really shown me what it is to be a good mom. So if I could share any advice, it would be to get everything prepped and ready to go before you hit 32 weeks. After that you are likely to be totally exhausted and shouldn't be doing too much extra anyways.
This past Sunday I had my friend baby shower hosted by Amy and Allison. It was wonderful seeing all of my friends together. There were a few who couldn't make it and I definitely missed them! I feel so fortunate to have such supportive and understanding friends. Morgan is going to have a ton of Aunties!
Ok more stats!
How far along? 35 (but closer to 36) weeks.
Total weight gain? 27 lbs (I gained 2 this week. Must be the icecream!!!)
How big is the baby? over 18 inches and 5.25 lbs! (she is now gaining an ounce a day. Amazing)
Maternity clothes? Oh yes. Tried to put on a pre-preggo t-shirt the other night and it was comical.
Stretch marks? Still no, lather lather lather!
Sleep? Not bad. Getting up 3-4 times to pee tho.
Best moment of the week? Seeing all of my beautiful friends at my baby shower. Love them!
Movement? Oh yes. She loves kicking my ribs, OUCH!
Cravings? ICECREAM
Gender? Girl :)
Labor signs? Lots of BH contractions, and cervix is definitely in preparation mode.
Belly button in or out? It's hanging in there, ha ha.
What are you looking forward to? Getting EVERYTHING finished in the nursery so I can stop stressing. And of course, meeting Morgan. Can't believe she could be here in the next couple of weeks. Lets pray that she cooks until 37 weeks at least. I want her to be chunky and healthy.
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