Every week it seems so hard to believe how quickly things are going by. I am THRILLED that we have almost made it to full term (37 weeks). Morgan can be born any time after 37 weeks and is likely to be just as healthy as a baby born at 40 weeks. Of course, the longer she stays in the better, I will continue to pray for her to come when she is good and ready. I am just so grateful to have come this far and be able to work. I explained many weeks ago that to receive maternity leave, I have to work up until February 14 (my one year mark). HR has made it very clear that if I am to go out before that date, I cannot receive the 12 weeks of leave. I am still hoping I can make it, but as that day gets closer and closer, I am feeling much more relieved.
At my appointment this week, the doctor told me I was still a half cm dilated, and went from 20 to 50% effaced. He believes that next week I should be about 1 cm and 80% effaced. Very exciting!
Not much more to post this week. Today is hubby's birthday! Yay! He is going to a car show and I am going out with my mom to get a mani and pedi. We are going to have a dinner date tonight to celebrate the big 2-4 (youngster). He has been incredibly supportive throughout the pregnancy, but especially this past week. Poor thing has even been sleeping on the couch so that I can sleep better. I love him SO much and I know he is going to make an awesome Daddy. Happy Birthday, Brad!
How far along? 36 weeks! Full term on Valentine's Day :)
Total weight gain? 30 lbs (I gained 3 lbs this week. Oopsies! All for a good cause.)
How big is the baby? Almost 19 inches and almost 6 lbs :)
Maternity clothes? YES
Stretch marks? NOPE (fingers crossed)
Sleep? Much better with the bed to myself (and Waylon of course). I still have to get up every 3 hours or so to use the bathroom.
Best moment of the week? My coworkers had a beautiful baby shower for me on Monday. It was so sweet of them! They will make it much easier for me to come back to work after my maternity leave.
Movement? Yes. Very painful at times!
Cravings? The icecream addiction is finally subsiding. Just in time too. 3lbs a week = NOT GOOD.
Labor signs? BH contractions have slowed down some this week.
Belly button in or out? Hanging on for dear life.
What are you looking forward to? Making it to February 14th! Full term AND I can get my maternity leave. What a sigh of relief. Fingers crossed!
love that belly! Give it a rub for me!
ReplyDeleteExcited that you made it to the date you wanted to be able to have the maternity leave, that's awesome! You're about a week ahead of me, so exciting!