I didn't want to have to combine 2 weeks into 1 post, but at this point, it would be silly to write about 38 weeks when I will be 39 weeks in 2 days (CRAZY)! It is really hard to describe the feeling of being so close to going into labor and becoming a parent. People keep asking me how I feel and I guess the best way to describe it is anxious. I am a little scared, extremely excited, and a unsure of what to expect. All I know for sure is that my life is about to change forever, and I am thrilled to start this next chapter.
I made the decision this week, along with my doctor, to go ahead and start my maternity leave on Monday Feb. 27. I had my appointment on Wednesday and I made progress...70% effaced but still a half cm dilated. However, my cervix has dropped, so things are definitely coming along. My doctor told me my body has already done about 4 hours worth of work that it will not have to do during labor. Great news! Morgan is still very active. I was told to keep track of her movements to make sure she is moving at least 10 times within a 2 hour time frame. The first day I kept track, it took her 6 minutes to do 10 movements. What a busy girl! Looks like Brad and I will have our hands full.
We have very few things to cross off of our to-do list now. Brad installed the carseat yesterday and her nursery is finished except for a few more things to hang on the walls. We are waiting because some of the frames we want to hang need her picture in them first. My bags are officially packed for the hospital, and I have my camera and camcorder charged and ready to go for the hospital. Each night I go to bed hoping that I will go into labor (for some reason I am convinced it is going to happen in the middle of the night), because I really don't want to be induced. I would much rather Morgan decide to come on her own. I am on HIGH ALERT each time I feel a little ache or pain, wondering if labor is starting. Everyone I talk to tells me I will just know, so when in doubt, I guess it's a false alarm.
Okay well here are some stats. I will try to update again on Wednesday after my appointment because I am hoping next weekend I will either be in the hospital or at home with my sweet girl.
How far along? 39 weeks on Tuesday
Total weight gain? still +30
How big is baby? big enough. Come on out Morgan.
Maternity clothes? Oh yes. Found a cute maternity dress in Old Navy today and for a brief second I hoped I was going to be pregnant just a little bit longer so I could wear it. Then I reminded myself that I don't want to be pregnant just for a dress. I'm ready for a baby!
Stretch marks? Still kind of hard to tell if I am getting some. Nothing noticeable. I have to look pretty close to see anything.
Sleep? Not bad. Getting up a lot to go to the bathroom. And for some reason, I am SUPER alert at my 3am bathroom break. Guess my body is preparing me for those 3am feedings.
Movements? yep!
Cravings? this week it was nachos. Thanks to my hubby for getting some for me from Applebees. Yummmm.
Labor signs? A few random pains here and there. Not sure if they are practice contractions or not. Nothing terribly painful though.
Belly button in or out? Half-way. Looks like it won't pop out after all.
What are you looking forward to? Being a Mommy and NOT being pregnant for a while.
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