Well, it seems like this blog thing is getting harder and harder to keep up with. I will do my best to continue with updates after Morgan is born, but I may have to switch to bi-weekly updates. Thanks to everyone who reads and follows our journey. I feel blessed to have so much support!
As you can tell by my picture this week, I was too lazy to get off the couch for a proper sideways shot (the scars you see are from my appendectomy and my gall bladder surgery). The other picture is obviously of Brad. He got her name tattooed on his arm today. It looks amazing and we both love it. He can't wait to take some pictures with her next to it.
I have been completely exhausted these days. I get out of breath putting my makeup on in the mornings. Sleeping is getting more difficult, mostly because I get overheated so easily. The pinching back pain seems to be getting a little worse everyday, but I am finding ways to manage it. Sitting is usually the best option. Another unpleasant symptom that has begun this week is terrible itching on my stomach. This is really common at this stage because she is growing so quickly and stretching the skin. I am doing my best not to scratch and I lather on plenty of lotion. I am just waiting for the stretch marks to pop up because I know my skin is not going to be able to keep up with how quickly she is growing.
I had my 34 week appointment on Wednesday and everything went very well. She is still measuring perfectly, and an ultrasound confirmed that she is officially HEAD DOWN! Good girl! The doc also confirmed that my cervix has begun to soften and I am a half centimeter dilated. I about fell out of the stirrups when he told me that. He reassured me that it is completely normal and suspects that I will deliver within 5 days of my due date. It is amazing to me how my body is already preparing for Morgan's big arrival. My doctor made sure to emphasize that any unfinished business should be taken care of (pack hospital bag, finish nursery, make sure cars always have plenty of gas, etc). I am ashamed to say I have not even pre-registered at the hospital yet. Yikes! Thank goodness I have Monday off from work to get some more stuff done.
Tomorrow I have my friend baby shower. Amy and Allison have graciously offered to host the shower for me. In fact, they called dibs on my shower the same day I told them I was pregnant! I can't wait to see all of my friends. Being pregnant has definitely affected my social life and ability to keep in touch with all of them. I have been feeling pretty guilty lately about not calling or visiting my girls more often. I hope that they all still know how much I love them and understand that even though I will soon be a Mommy, I will always be their friend.
On to the stats...
How far along? 34 weeks :)
Total weight gain? 25 pounds (I gained 1 lb this week).
How big is baby? 17.75 inches and 4.75 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes! May need to get a couple more shirts to get me by.
Stretch marks? Nope! (fingers crossed)
Sleep? Ehh.. I'm definitely being prepared for taking care of a newborn.
Best moment of the week? Seeing my sweet angel on the ultrasound. She had her tiny hands up by her face. I'm in love.
Movements? Yes, lots of rolls and elbow jabs.
Cravings? ICECREAM! Can't get enough.
Gender? baby girl
Labor signs? The Braxton Hicks have calmed down, but I am .5 cm dilated and cervix is softening.
Belly button in or out? Half and half. You be the judge. Brad says it looks like a balloon knot. Haha.
What are you looking forward to? Seeing my friends tomorrow and of course...meeting my sweet baby! We are so close!
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