Can you believe it!? Only 8 weeks left until my due date. Brad and I realized that we can count on two hands how many weekends we have left just the 2 of us. It's weird because we have been together for almost 8 years now and in just a few short weeks our lives are going to be completely different. Hopefully this isn't coming across as a bad thing, because we are obviously thrilled to meet Morgan and be parents. It is just hard to wrap our minds around such a life-changing event!
This week Brad and I went to our second baby class. While we both found the class very informative, I found it to also be TERRIFYING. We learned about SIDS, which is a rare, but also very real threat to infants. There are many recommendations to help prevent SIDS: place the baby on her back to sleep, don't put ANYTHING in the crib with her, make sure the mattress she sleeps on is firm, etc. We will certainly follow all of these guidelines, but I still can't help but worry myself. For the past several months I have focused my worries on the pregnancy (will I miscarry?, am I eating the right things?, can I take a Tylenol?, will she stay breech?, etc) and last night for the first time I started worrying about when she actually gets here which is waaaaay worse than the pregnancy fears. Fortunately Brad is not a worrier and will do a great job of helping me keep things in perspective.
Sorry it has been so long since I have given a nursery update. We have made a lot of progress with the help of my awesome parents. For the most part, the only thing missing is our sweet baby. I can't wait to get a glider because there are so many times that I would love to just sit in there and look around, but I can't (sitting on the floor for any amount of time is very uncomfortable, and trying to stand up is a joke). We also need decorations and little accessories, but I still have 2 showers left so I am going to hold off on that stuff until I see what we get.
I had my 32 week appointment today. Morgan is doing great! My doc said she is measuring perfectly, her heart rate is normal, and he thinks her head is down (YAY!). He will be checking again at 34 weeks to make sure she is definitely head down. If not we may need to start seriously considering a C-Section.
Ok that's enough for today... STATS!
How far along? 32 weeks (5 more weeks until I am "full term")
Total weight gain? 23 pounds (whew! Didn't gain any this week)
How big is the baby? 3.75 pounds and 16.7 inches long
Maternity clothes? Yep!
Stretch marks? I thought I saw one forming the other day but I think I was seeing things because it's not there anymore, so fortunately, still NO!
Sleep? I was sick this week so I did not sleep at ALL Sunday night but I was so sleep deprived from Sunday that I slept great on Monday and Tuesday night. I do miss my Nyquil when I have a bad cold.
Best moment of the week? Date night with hubby on Friday. We had such a good time together.
Movements? YES. I had a feeling she had flipped over because I felt it happen in the middle of the night.
Cravings? nothing new
Gender? baby girl
Labor signs? nope, and I haven't had anymore Braxton Hicks either.
Belly button in or out? Inny
What are you looking forward to? Hunting season is OVER (happy dance) so Brad and I are going to spend the whole weekend together. Can't wait :)
You look beautiful as always!