The Hooper house has been very hectic lately, and there are times that I feel incredibly overwhelmed. Life has delt Brad and I a few wild cards lately and I am finding it easy to feel sorry for myself. Well, it's time to stop that nonsense and be grateful, because we have so much to praise God for. Here we go!
1. Our health - this is something that I usually don't think twice about, but the minute I come down with the flu, or Morgan has an ear infection, I am reminded that being healthy is invaluable.
Poor baby sick at the hospital. So glad to have her healthy again. |
2. Our jobs - My job doesn't pay much but it does provide us with amazing health insurance. Not to mention I love my job, which is a huge plus. Brad's job provides us with the means to live in a beautiful home and pay our bills without too much trouble.
Home sweet home. |
3. Our families - Not only do they live close (minus my brother and his fiance), but they are so supportive. I can't imagine not having our families around to watch Morgan grow up. I pray for the day my brother moves back to Richmond. Morgan loves her Uncle Ricky!
Meemaw and Grandaddy! |
4. Our marriage - Brad is my backbone, my soulmate, and my best friend. Our relationship is far from perfect and we constantly have to work on it, but I can't imagine my life without him.
Can't believe this was three years ago on June 19th. |
5. Our daughter - Morgan is healthy, happy, smart, and beautiful. What more could I ask for??
Love her so much. |
Sorry for the sappy post, but I felt the need to get some of these things down in writing. Now, for some happier news, school is almost out! Which means ... stay-at-home mommy mode! I have to admit, I am a little nervous about the adjustment, both for Morgan and myself. She is used to having non-stop playtime with the sitter's kids, and I am worried that I won't be as much fun as them! I hope to come up with a very structured schedule for the summer so that we are productive and busy. I have to admit that last summer we did a lot of napping and watching the Olympics. Now that Morgan is a busy toddler, I doubt watching tv and taking naps will be on her to-do list.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone! And when your feeling down, remember to focus on the positives. Every rainstorm must end, and sunshine is just around the corner.