Saturday, January 21, 2012

33 weeks!

Well I am super late posting this week...whoops! My energy level has gone down a ton lately, so when I get home from work in the evenings, it's all I can do to stay awake until 9:00p. It has been another eventful week in the life of this preggo. On Wednesday I started experiencing some back pain, mostly when I was walking around at work. I called the doc just to be sure it was nothing to be concerned about, and I was told to rest, drink lots of fluids, and take some Tylenol. On Thursday, the back pain came back, but this time it was hurting even when I was sitting down. My stomach also started to tighten up every so often. There was no regular pattern like there would be with true contractions, so I wasn't too worried. They also were not first. Around the middle of the day on Thursday I had a painful tightening of my stomach, which worried me some. I felt very hot, and overall did not feel good. I called the doc again after I finished up with my little kiddos, and they told me to come in right away. This scared me because I was sure that they were going to tell me I was dilated and have to try and stop labor. Fortunuately, I made it to the doctor and they told me that I was not dilated at all (yay!), but that I had a UTI (booooo). So they put me on some antibiotics and recommended that I rest when I can and drink plenty of fluids. After leaving the appointment, I immediately felt better. I think the peace of mind of knowing that I was only having Braxton Hicks contractions made me relax. I have reached the stage where I cannot be superwoman anymore. Up until now, I have felt great and rarely felt the strain of pregnancy. It has hit me hard this week though, and I need to slooooow down. There are many things to do before Morgan gets here, and she has a lot more cookin' to do, so she cannot come early!
How far along? 33 weeks (well I am really almost 34, but you get the point. I didn't want to skip a blog post. I am going to print these bad boys out so I can go back and read them down the road).
Total weight gain? 24 pounds. I gained one pound since my 32 week appointment. Right on track!
How big is baby? Over 17 inches and about 4.25 pounds!
Maternity clothes? Yep! Fortunately I am still fitting in all of my non-maternity coats. Not sure how much longer that will last though.
Stretch marks? Still none on my tummy. I have a few elsewhere (not going to say where though, haha)
Sleep? Sometimes great, othertimes not.
Best moment of the week? Finding out that Morgan was "very content" and would not be arriving anytime soon. Yay!
Movements? Yes. Sometimes it is painful. I have felt a couple of complete flips this week so I am not sure if she is head down. I am very anxious to find out next week!
Cravings? None.
Gender? sweet girl.
Labor signs? Braxton Hicks! I guess my body is preparing itself for the real deal :)
Belly button in or out? In, but looking different every week.
What are you looking forward to? My baby showers coming up!

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