Thursday, January 5, 2012

31 weeks!

Happy New Year everyone! I'm so excited to be in the "30's" at last. Brad is too. We are so excited for Morgan to get here, but Brad has not has not been able to enjoy the pregnancy like I have. I get to feel all of the kicks, rolls, and flips, and I get to carry her around all day. So it makes sense that these past several months have not gone by as quickly for him as they have for me. Unfortunately, I am getting more and more uncomfortable as she gets bigger. I knew this was coming, because so many pregnant women have this issue. But I am not ready for her little tooshie to come out just yet, so I am perfectly content with her cooking until 40 weeks (we will see what I am saying in a few more weeks, ha ha).
This week Brad and I attended our first baby class with Kristin and Aaron Campbell, who are expecting their little boy in February. The class was very informative and it seemed like Brad actually enjoyed himself. He was very proud of his swaddling abilities, and takes a lot of pride in knowing that he can do it better than I can. We have the second part of the class next Tuesday, then we take Labor Basics 1 and 2 at the end of the month. We are going to do a tour of the hospital as well. Yay for classes!
Not muh more to post this week so here are the stats...
How far along? 31 weeks!
Total weight gain? 23 lbs (I gained 2 this week. Guess that Thanksgiving weight just needed a few weeks to kick in)
How big is baby? 16.25 inches and over 3.25 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yep
Stretch marks? Nope. Lotion lotion lotion!
Sleep? Some nights great, other nights not so much.
Best moment of the week? Seeing Brad swaddle the baby doll at our class. He is going to be the best Daddy.
Movement? Yes! I have noticed that her movements are slower and more pronounced now. She isn't just randomly kicking all the time (although she still does this some). And I swear that I felt her little foot or hand in my ribs today and when I tried to push her away, gently of course, she moved! Good girl :)
Cravings? Obviously I am craving something. 4 pounds in just over 2 weeks. Yikes!
Gender? beautiful little girl :)
Labor signs? No! But I think I had a Braxton Hicks contraction last night. I felt everything in my stomach tighten up for about a minute and then it went away. It didn't hurt at all though. I wish real contractions were like that.
Belly button in or out? In. At this point I think it will stay in. Fine by me!
What am I looking forward to? Seeing Brad with Morgan for the first time. Just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes.

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