Sunday, March 23, 2014

One thing after another...

Over the past three weeks, I have found myself uttering the words of my blog title over and over.  From a pessimistic point of view, my life has been an absolute train wreck as of late.  It was a few days before Morgan's birthday party that I got sick with what I am now guessing was a severe sinus infection.  I did not go to the doctor like I should have, and a few days later got my very first adult ear infection.  Got on some meds, and within a couple of days I was okay.  Then just as I was feeling better, the left ear became infected.  This one, however, did not want to clear up.  I went to Patient First twice, the second time smashing my finger in the car door and almost breaking it.  Morgan also caught the stomach bug in here somewhere, but it is becoming a blur.  After no relief I wound up in the Emergency Room, where I was told I had "Mastoiditis" (infection on the bone behind your ear).  I went to the ENT twice, and the ER again.  The third trip to the ENT was the final straw.  He decided to admit me.  Imagine how much fun it was to explain to family, friends, coworkers, nurses, etc. that you are in the hospital for a freakin ear infection.  I felt like such an idiot.  Obviously, intelligence has nothing to do with being able to fight an infection, but that did not help me feel better about spending THREE FULL DAYS in the hospital for something seemingly minor (don't get me wrong though, the pain was EXCRUCIATING).  The ENT was very concerned that if I did not receive IV antibiotics that the infection could spread through the mastoid bone, or even turn into meningitis.  Not cool.  So the hospitalization was very necessary, and I was glad to finally get some answers and relief.  The ENT gave me a tube (mind you Morgan had hers done back in February), and cleaned out the infection.  I have been home since Thursday and I think it's safe to say that I am feeling MUCH better.  After picking Morgan up from school on Friday, I noticed her left ear was draining nasty crud, and she complained of her ear hurting.  I wish I was kidding.  We are using ear drops on her and praying that it will heal and give her some relief.

From an optimistic point of view I have been incredibly lucky these past few weeks.  I have had the support of family and friends to get me through a very difficult time.  I have had coworkers covering for me at work and asking how I've been doing.  I never got meningitis. I have great health insurance (no thanks to Obama). My mom miraculously caught the stomach bug from Morgan right before she was supposed to leave for Colorado.  I know this sounds bad, but stay with me.  She was supposed to go on a business trip with my dad for TWO WHOLE WEEKS.  The stomach bug kept her from getting on the plane that morning and was the reason why she was able to be by my side through my entire ordeal. What an amazing mother she is.  My husband jumped right into his "Mr. Mom" role and did a fantastic job (the house was spotless when I came home on Thursday).  And although Morgan obviously has an ear infection, the tubes are allowing the infection to drain and she is eating and sleeping well.  I am going to stick with my optimistic point of view.  God is good.

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