Tuesday, October 1, 2013

In case you wanted to know...

Social media is gushing with posts regarding the government shut down and new health care act.  If I am being honest, I have taken very little interest in most political news since the last Presidential election.  Most of the time I am left confused or mad after hearing about the latest political crisis.  However, I did not truly feel the direct impact of our government's decisions until today...

Let me preface this by saying that I am incredibly grateful to be an American and feel extremely blessed to have the opportunities and freedoms so many do not have.  The "Affordable Care Act" (Obamacare), was always presented in a way that made me feel like I would not be affected.  After all, we were told that if you already have insurance that you like, you can keep it.  Yay!  That is great news.  Yes, I still will get insurance for my family through my employer.  However, our plan premium has increased approximately 20%, and our new out-of-pocket maximum has increased by 100%.  Yes, you heard that right, worse coverage for a higher cost.  Because I am the insurance provider for my family, and because I make an extremely modest salary, this is a huge hit.  God forbid we have a medical emergency or illness, because our new out-of-pocket maximum would completely empty our bank account.

I promise I am not trying to get political here.  I have no business debating the Affordable Care Act, because I admit to being uninformed in many aspects of it.  However, I felt the need to share our story and how this affects our hardworking, middle-class family.

In other news, Morgan is 19 months old and pees on the potty very consistently.  (I thought I should end this on a positive note).

Happy October!

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