Saturday, February 18, 2012

37 Weeks - FULL TERM

PRAISE THE LORD! We made it to full term. I also made it to my one year mark at work so I will definitely receive my maternity leave. Such a relief. That being said, I am more anxious than ever for Morgan to get here. I never thought I would want her to come before her due date, but now that I know she will be healthy, I am so excited for her arrival. I really hope that Morgan decides to come on her own. My doctor and I are going to discuss an induction plan at my next appointment in the event that I don't go into labor on my own. He still thinks that I will go into labor on my own, and I hope he is right!
Doctor update... I actually went twice this week. On Wednesday I found out I will still just a half centimeter dilated and 50% effaced (no progress). My doctor picked up on some more bacteria in my urine sample (sorry if thats TMI), and decided to send it off for a culture to see if it was a UTI. On Thursday, I began experiencing some stabbing back pain (on the left side only), and cramping. I thought it may be contractions so I called my doctor. The nurse told me to see if a pattern developed and keep track of Morgan's movements. I made it through the work day but immediately came home a rested. The pains went away as soon as I put my feet up. That night around 1 am, I woke up with EXCRUCIATING back pain and cramping, but with no consistent pattern like contractions would have. I called the on-call doctor who told me to drink lots of fluids and take Tylenol. He suspected it could possibly be a kidney stone and told me to call back if the pain got worse. Well, it never got worse, but it took about 2 hours to go away. Needless to say I did not get much sleep and ended up not being able to work on Friday. I went to see my doctor to follow up on the previous night's events and came to find out I had a pretty severe UTI. He said this could be the cause of my pain, or it could be Morgan pushing on a nerve. I am so glad I went to the doctor on Friday because now I am taking meds to treat the UTI and hopefully it will be gone by the time I go into labor.
Mom and I went and did some final errands this morning. We were able to pick up the glider for the nursery and buy some much needed newborn-sized sleepers. I didn't realize how few I had. I guess I figured the 3 month size would work, but after closer inspection, I realized how big they would be. Then we went to Kohls and I bought some cute lounge around the house clothes. I do not plan on getting dressed up during my maternity leave, but I also don't want to wear pajamas all day long. This afternoon, my friend Mandy and I went to see Victoria at her new apartment. It is adorable! We had a great time catching up. It was weird to say goodbye because I know the next time I see them I will be a Mommy!
Ok well here are the stats (maybe for the last time?!)
How far along? 37 weeks, FULL TERM BABY!
Total weight gain? at my appointment on Wednesday, I was still up 30 pounds (no gain from last week). At my appointment on Friday, I was down 2 lbs. So technically I am +28 lbs.
How big is baby? Over 19 inches and over 6lbs :)
Maternity clothes? YES
Stretch marks? Nope. I feel like there may be some small lines popping up that will probably show up more after I deliver, but we will see. My stomach has been SOOOOO itchy and it takes every ounce of my will power not to scratch. No amount of lotion or cream helps either.
Sleep? Pretty good! Minus the back pain on Thursday night.
Best moment of the week? Making it to full term. It feels like the weight of the world is off my shoulders.
Movement? Yep. Mostly slow rolls and some stretching at this point.
Cravings? Not really. The back pain has actually taken some of my appetite away.
Labor signs? No, but bring them on! We are ready.
Belly button in or out? Half-way in. Not sure if it will ever look the same again, ha ha.
What are you looking forward to? Kissing my sweet girl and holding her in my arms. Can't think about it without crying!

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