Wednesday, December 21, 2011

29 Weeks - Lots of baby updates!

This week has certainly been an eventful one in babyland. I left off last week with my decision to change doctors. Well, I firmly believe I made the right decision. On Saturday, Brad was hunting so I decided to go hang out with my parents for the day. I had started feeling crampy on Friday night, but summed it up to having a busy day and decided to see how I felt in the morning. The cramping never subsided, so I called the on-call doctor around noon. Oddly enough, my "old" doctor was the doctor on-call that day. She did little to reassure me that I was okay, and basically said there was nothing she could do for me over the phone, and I would have to come in to the hospital. Of course I was terrified, so I decided to lay down for a little while and see if I felt any better. After about 2 hours, I decided it was time to go in. Brad came home from hunting and we were at JW by 4:00pm. My doctor came in for about 5 minutes when I first got there, but I never saw her again. The nurses were wonderful though. They monitored me closely for contractions, and although they were picking up "blips" on their machine, they reassured me that they weren't true contractions and that I was fine. I also had some tests done to check for a UTI and preterm labor, both of which came back normal. YAY! I followed up on Monday with my new doc, who is SUPER friendly, and took a lot of time with me. He also decided to send me for an ultrasound, just to be 100% sure everything was okay. Although I did not like the circumstances, I was very excited to see Morgan again on the ultrasound. She looked wonderful, and the ultrasound tech commented that I had a little gymnast in me. However, she is currently breech, but from my understanding she still has PLENTY of time to flip around. And from all the movement going on in my belly these days, it seems like she flips over often.

So where in the world are these cramps coming from? My new doc thinks that I should focus on drinking TONS of water and purchase a pregnancy "girdle" to support my growing belly. Morgan seems to have hit a major growth spurt and her constant movement has made my uterus very sensitive. It is so nice to know that everything is normal, and I am not experiencing pre-term labor. VERY SCARY. You really can't put a price on peace of mind.

Nothing else eventful this week, so I will leave you with the stats...

How far along? 29 weeks (can't believe next week I will be at 30. In my mind that is the home stretch!)

Total weight gain? +19. My weight on Monday was up two pounds from last Wednesday.

How big is the baby? still about 15 inches and 2.5 pounds!

Maternity clothes? Yep, but still getting by with some non-maternity tops

Stretch marks? None! So far so good.

Sleep? The past few nights have been great. I haven't even been getting up to use the bathroom until about 5am.

Best moment of the week? Seeing Morgan on the ultrasound and being reassured that all is well.

Movement? Yes! The nurses said she is a wild baby (they had to move the monitors constantly because she was so active). Oh lord....

Cravings? None

Gender? GIRL :)

Labor signs? Nope

Belly button in or out? In, but getting flatter.

What am I looking forward to? Spending Christmas with my family and having an entire day with Brad. Doesn't happen too often nowadays and I really cherish that time with him!

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