It's finally here! The halfway point has arrived. I have been pretty good about taking at least 1 or 2 pictures of myself every week, even if they are just on my iPhone. I save them in a file named "Preggers" on my laptop and then divide them up by week. It just seems amazing to me how big this file has grown! In 2 short months, I will be in my third trimester. Craziness!
I said last week that I would wait to post until tomorrow, but I have a feeling that with all the phone calls and visits, it just won't happen. I will certainly put up a FB announcement after my appointment, so stay tuned. We are scheduled to have the ultrasound at 2:30pm at the Johnston Willis office. Conveniently, Obama will be right down the road at a fire station to make a speech on his "Jobs Act" at 2:45. I decided to take a half-day off and leave work at 12:30 tomorrow so I don't have to rush to the appointment and stress about the crazy traffic. I figure I will go to Chesterfield Towne Center, get some lunch, and walk around a bit before the appointment.
It is so funny to me that 99.9% of people have guessed that I am having a girl. Only me and 1 or 2 of my friends have thought boy. In fact, Lauren Hill and I are the ONLY ones who have thought boy from the beginning. All of the old wives tales point towards girl (how I am carrying, heart rate, etc..) but something just keeps telling me boy. I have also heard how a mother's "gut instinct" can often be wrong. Hopefully little Hooper will cooperate tomorrow and the guessing games and pregnancy myths can be put to rest.
Now, onto the survey!
How far along? 20 weeks down, 20 to go :)
Total weight gain? +7 total but I have not weighed since last time. My pregnancy app says that I should be up to about +10 by this point. I think I probably hit the mark. We will know tomorrow.
How big is the baby? This is the week where measurements switch from crown to rump to crown to heel for length, so baby is about 10 inches long and about 11 ounces now.
Maternity clothes? Yes! Just bought some more this weekend. I needed another pair of jeans and one more pair of work pants. And let's be honest, I bought some cute tops too. :)
Stretch marks? Nada
Sleep? Yep. Been doing great with sleep actually. Hope I can keep it up.
Best moment of the week? Tomorrow! I will get to see our sweet baby again AND find out if we are having a Morgan or a William.
Movement? Yes! Tons of movement. I notice it most when I am sitting and slightly leaning forward. I love every single kick, jab, punch, and flip.
Cravings? Cheeeeeeeseburrrrrgerrrrrs. Ok this weight will definitely come on faster now. My appetite is in full gear.
Labor signs? NO
Belly button in or out? In
What am I looking forward to? Seeing that ultrasound screen tomorrow and knowing that our baby is strong and healthy!
YES to cheeseburgers! I know so many preggos who were anti-beef but I say bring it on!!! Glad I'm not the only one and CAN'T WAIT to hear what you are having tomorrow! (I think it will be a boy too)