Friday, May 24, 2013

What happened to my baby, and who is this toddler?!

I am ashamed.  It's been 3 months since my last post!  Horrible blogger award: winner, me.  So much has been going on these past few months that I've had a hard time finding a minute to sit down and catch up on this thing.  Funny how when I was pregnant I was able to post every week.  That seems unimaginable now.  A wise coworker told me that I would ask myself three questions after my child was born: 1) What did I do in my free time? 2) What did I care about? 3) What did I ever worry about before?  Although Morgan has only been in our lives for 15 months (almost), it's nearly impossible to imagine life without her now.  She gives me such purpose in life, and for that I am so grateful.

Where to start?  Morgan is quite possibly the BUSIEST child I have ever seen.  She is 100% full on, nonstop, all day long.  She isn't much of a napper, so for me and the sitter, breaks are almost non existant.  She is hilarious and so sassy.  Not sure how else to describe a 15 month old who picks up her purse, sashays around the room, and waves her best "princess wave."  I see other mommy friends post pictures and comments about "snuggling" or watching movies with their little ones.  Not Morgan. No sir.  She has way too much on her schedule for any of those shenanigans.  Obviously it makes me a little sad that she doesn't cuddle, but the TV thing doesn't bother me too much.  There are times, however, that I wish a quick 30 min tv show would entertain her.  It would certainly make cleaning up or getting ready in the mornings more peaceful. 

TV may not be her thing yet, but she loves books, puzzles, and all things girly (combs, dolls, play purse, my purse, my clothes, my SHOES).  She will go in my closet, and proceed to remove as many pairs of shoes as possible, one at a time.  Then she will place them in order next to my bed, all the while acting as if she is doing a very important, very serious, job.  HAlarious.

What a talker we have too!  She wakes up jibber jabbering.  She learns a new word almost everyday.  I come to pick her up from the sitter, and she has learned something new.  Of course she has her favorites... Momma, Dada, Nana (banana), Hi, Bye, Apple, Cat, Wo wo (Waylon), cheese, shoe (sounds more like "Jew"), Yea, MMM, All Done, What's That?, Papa, Grandaddy, Oh Wow!  Just to name a few.  She is fluent in her native language, Morganese, and switches often between the two.  I have really enjoyed how conversational she is becoming.  There is nothing sweeter than walking into her nursery in the morning and hearing that precious voice say, "Momma."  Or when she hears the garage door opening and knows Brad is home and shouts, "DADA."  It's bittersweet watching your little one grow up, but each stage is so new and exciting. 

Just a few more weeks of school and I will be out for the summer!  HALLELUJAH!  I'm super pumped to be a stay-at-home mommy for the summer and spend some quality time with my girl.  We are hosting a weekly playgroup which is going to be such a blast.  I can't wait to get Morgan together with some other children. And of course I am excited to hang out with some of my mommy friends. I am also going to be taking an online grad class, so even though there will be no work, I am sure I will be busy!

I feel like I am leaving 10 million things out, and will think of it as soon as I hit "post."  Oh well.  Here are some pics and videos of my sweet angel.