Happy Hump Day! Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and was able to get some rest. I sure did! It was so nice to have a few days off and spend time with family. I will admit that it was REALLY hard going back to work on Monday. The long weekend spoiled me and I was not ready to go back just yet. Needless to say, I am counting down the days until Christmas break. 12 more work days to go!
This week I have definitely noticed a change in my mood. Before I got pregnant, I was a very sensitive person, and always took things to heart. Now that I am pregnant, zit-faced, can't bend over, and look completely different than I did just a few months ago, I am even more sensitive. It doesn't help that people find it completely acceptable to comment on my appearance on a daily basis. I get a range of comments everyday, from "Oh, you look so small for being 6 months pregnant!" to "Wow, you are really popping out now!" I know people are trying to be nice, and I can not blame them for their curiosity in the preggo. It is just hard to process all of these comments when my hormones are out of wack and my self-esteem is already in the toilet. At the end of the day I remind myself that being pregnant is a blessing, and is not guarenteed to anyone. But if you were wondering what pregnant woman are really thinking when you comment on their growing tummy, now you know. :)
This weekend is a very exciting one. My first baby shower is on Sunday! My mom is throwing me my family shower, with the help of my brother's girlfriend, Calla. They have put so much effort into planning it, and I can't wait for everything to come together. I will be sure to post pictures next week. Mom said about 40 people have said they are coming, so it should be a wonderful turn out. I am such a lucky girl, and so is Morgan! We are very loved.
How far along? 26 weeks
Total weight gain? haven't weighed this week, but I am sure it's up.
How big is the baby? 14 inches and very close to 2 lbs!
Maternity clothes? yes.
Stretch marks? Nope, but I am checking very closely now. My skin is getting tight!
Sleep? Terrible...waaaaaah. I need to stop my whining though because it won't get any better.
Best moment of the week? Spending time with my family on Thanksgiving. Also, Brad and I worked on the nursery and office on Sunday night and both rooms look SO great now. I was almost in tears when I saw the office after Brad finished it. It was so clean! haha. And of course I tear up everytime I go in the nursery. Can't wait for my baby girl to be in there snuggled up in her crib.
Movement? yep!
Cravings? anything, everything. bleh.
Gender? Sweet baby girl.
Labor signs? NO
What am I looking forward to? Baby shower this weekend!